

Posted by: Joshua C. Efughi    Posted on: February 18, 2006

More Dating Articles

Dating For The Senior Generation
You are 40 or above and want to take another shot at love Dating has never had it better, even for the seniors, thanks to technology. You now have another opportunity to find a true love. The Internet is booming and one big section contributing to its growth is the senior online dating. People, who are single and are more than forty years of age and above, can now find new companions or even partners for long-term commitment.

Choosing The Best Ukrainian Online Dating Agency
If you have finally decided to search for your Ukrainian date through online dating, you would have more or less started your research on how you can get hold of a trustworthy online dating agency. Searching the website will give you access to a good number of agencies to choose from. The more established companies have also set up branches in some former Soviet Union States, while the smaller ones have local offices within a certain area in Ukraine.

What Men Want: What Do Men SECRETLY Admire About Girls
Most men wouldn't ever admit that, even just a little, they sometimes wish they were more like women. But women have a lot of qualities that men secretly envy. Their buddies might laugh if they ever admitted it, but really, women have a lot going on that men wish they could have, too. 1) That "multi-tasking" thing Maybe it's because men were once mighty hunters intensely focused on tracking prey, while women had to manage the food, the fire, the cave and the kids all at once, but women are far better at multi-tasking than men.

A Simple Yet Powerful Way To Find Out If Your Spouse Or Partner Is Cheating On Y...
If you think there is a chance that your spouse might be cheating on you, I want to show you a quick and easy way to find out for sure. Dealing with this type of suspicion can grate on your nerves - you deserve to know the truth about whether or not your partner is being faithful. There are more and more people that are hiring private investigators to "spy" on their spouse.

Dating Agencies On Review
There are many dating agencies out there that can help very busy people like you who simply do not have the time to frequent fun parks where they can meet potential life long soul mates. Dating agencies, internet based ones in particular, can be very useful tools for busy people who are eager to make new friends.

Should You Date Anyone Online
Pros and Cons of Online Dating: Is It a Great Idea for You Online dating is definitely very popular, and if you have never tried it yourself before it is absolutely something that you should consider. There are both pros and cons of online dating that you should take into consideration however before you go ahead and get too far into it.

Dating Tips To Take With You On A First Date
Dating Advice One of the most sought after subjects of dating tips is where to go on a first date. As the saying goes, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. A first date can set the tone for an entire relationship, so you should put as much time and energy planning your first date as you spent deciding whom to ask out on the first date! How About Dinner Dinner is usually a good, safe first date.

In everyone's life, there are always times when we realise that we can't stand alone. These are the times we turn to our friends. Georde Eliot said "Friendship is an inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words." These friends are the ones who know our short comings and help us stand tall.

True friends are rare, their loss so painful. Our life is always governed by a sense of deep loss eachtime we loss a friend, we feel like we have lost a part of our life. Truly a friend can be one of the most precious thing in the world.

It was Woodrow Wilson who said "we should not only use all the brains we have, but all the brains that we can borrow." These borrowed brains are the friends we have built all through our lives. "The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers, and cities, but to know someone who thinks and feels with me, and who though distant is close to me in spirit. This makes the earth for me an inhabitable garden" ~ Von Goethe

I do not know how many good relationships you have put to flight, but the more you burn these boats after crossing over, you may need to go back someday. People should not be used as tools through which you get what you want. Don't use people.John Craig said "No matter how much work you can do, no matter how engaging your personality may be, you will not advance far in life if you can't work with people."

Making impact in the world is all about reaching out to lives. The only place to completely express yourself is in service. If you can't serve people, then you can't be a friend.Just as Albert Schweitzer said "I do not know what your destiny will be, but one thing i know is the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."

Even in Leadership, friendship counts. A leader never makes it alone, he belongs to a team. This team is made up of his friends. Bill Newman said "it's not how high you climb, but it's how many people you are prepared to take with you." We must work for the benefit of our friends.


* You must be optimistic about meeting the right people and be willing to see the good in them.

* You must have a positive personality, an optimistic person is one who sees a problem and be willing to help.

* In building good friends,you must be willing to give your everything to see your friendship succeed. It's all about sacrifice. Someone said "a friend is one who' always there when there's every reason for him no to be." So keep your friends vision ahead and help them realise it.

* Be willing to see the Lord as our best friend. He knows our deepest secrets, your soft spots He said "I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU." So folks what else do we need if the Lord is for us ..... Have an outstanding and better relationship !

About the Author

Joshua C. Efughi is an outstanding writer who has improved the relationships of many people through his articles.

Source: Dating Articles on

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You Need To Omit This From Your Profile
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You Can Capture His Attention
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You Can Capture Her Attention
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You Can Capture Attention Online
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