Celebrity Couples
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How To Approach And Meet Women
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Never Buy A Woman A Drink
Never Buy A Woman A Drink When was the last time you bought an attractive woman you would like to meet a drink Did she think that you were a really kind guy and that this was a nice gesture I bet sweetheart. Did you get her number Don't think so! You see, every guy thinks that if he wants to meet a woman, the best way to do this is by asking her is she wants a drink.
How To Pick Up A Woman On The Street
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Celebrity couples often face more hardships than married people who are not in the limelight. Paparazzi interference, the pressure of keeping up public appearances, and erratic work schedules are only some of the complications that are part and parcel of being a celebrity. Top this with everyday marital pressures such as parenting, sexual intimacy, or finances, and it is easy for a fragile relationship to collapse.
Owing to their successful careers, celebrities have very little time to devote to their partners. This could lead to repetitive arguments, not to mention the general insecurity when your partner is around attractive people. Celebrities who have suffered marital break-ups include singer Patti LaBelle, after thirty-one years of marriage; actor Danny Glover, after eighteen years of marriage; and singer Diana Ross, after fourteen years of marriage. Celebrities have to juggle a lot of responsibilities. Thus, the unique challenges that celebrity couples face put unwarranted pressures on their relationships. They are on tour or on location for long stretches of time. As a natural progression of years of slowly causes them to grow apart, some couples choose to opt out of the relationship.
The break-up of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman is a reflection of how celebrity couples crack under pressure. Their marriage, touted as the most solid relationship in show business, became a casualty of their professional lives. After nine years and eleven months of being together, the most-celebrated couple in Hollywood decided to split. "Citing the difficulties inherent in divergent careers, which constantly keep them apart, they concluded that an amicable separation seems best for both of them at this time," their spokesperson, Pat Kingsley, told the media.
In hindsight, celebrity couples need to insulate their relationships. They have to realize that family life and children take precedence over a successful career. Some couples get so caught up in their lifestyles that by the time they realize the potential damage, it is too late to make amends.
About the Author
Couples provides detailed information on Couples, Celebrity Couples, Interracial Couples, Couples Counseling and more. Couples is affliated with Relationship Advice .
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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