
Couple prove that online dating works

Posted by: Carmine Grecco    Posted on: November 12, 2006

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Karen and Ken Fisher are another example that online dating can be successful if you find the right singles website.

The couple met around April 15, 2006 through an online dating service called

"I am a police officer full-time and due to my hectic schedule, I do not get out much to mingle," Ken said.

One advantage to is that users can screen potential dates via their background investigation feature. The two weren't online long before they found each other.

How they met

Both say they didn't sign up because they were desperate or seriously looking for a relationship.

"I was just curious and decided to visit some of the online dating sites out there to see what all the hype was about," Karen, now 26, said. "I wasn't actively looking for a boyfriend."

Ken, now 35, was the first person she met through the dating site whom she met in person -- just a week after their first conversation online and their first phone call.

After spending hours on the phone over several days, Ken cut his vacation short so he could meet Karen.

And Karen even trusted him enough to meet him in person at a local Italian restaurant -- which was just across the street from where she lived.

"That's how comfortable I felt," she said. "It had already clicked for me on the phone."

Before long they were serious.

How he proposed

Three months later, Ken asked Karen to get engaged. There was only one criteria: He had to ask her dad.

Ken chose the Chili's restaurant as the setting. Ken approached the waiter in the back of the restaurant and gave him the ring to bring out with dessert. When the time came to propose, the entire Chili's restaurant staff approached their table and the waiter placed a plate of flowers on the table with the ring on it. Ken got on one knee and proposed.

Karen replied, "Absolutely."

Needless to say, Karen was not the only person in tears.

How they wed

The Luxurious Great Bay County Club in Somers Point, NJ provided the setting for their Aug. 26th reception for about 120 guests.

"The sun was setting as we were saying our vows," Karen said. "It was beautiful. It turned out even better than I expected."

They chose an Western Caribbean cruise as their honeymoon destination. The couple then returned to their Egg Harbor Township home to throw a Summer BBQ Bash and celebrate being newlyweds with their family & friends.

The fact that they both enjoy making people laugh, attending church, and expressing their playful personalities are key factors in the success of their relationship.

"We rarely argue, and when we do it's easily worked out," Ken said.

He knows he has a good thing and treats her like a princess.

"I've been blessed to catch him because he's a truly genuine guy, and you don't find a lot of those nowadays," Karen said.

About the Author

Grecco is a dating and relationship expert, columnist, lecturer and host of the TV Show "Dating Game".

With over 20 years experience on the relationship market, Grecco has dated women of all nationalities in six cities, four countries and two continents. His practical know-how makes him the perfect candidate to dispense relationship advice - after all, in almost every dating dilemma he has been there, done that and lived to tell about it.

Source: Dating Articles on

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