Dating A Fat Woman Is Fun
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The mere thought of all those curves without end leaves many men drooling with longing. Having a voluptuous woman in your life is every man's weakness. Big is good and dating a fat woman lingers in the minds of many men. Even a married man cannot resist the attraction posed by a fat woman. And what is the big deal about dating a fat woman Or a fat woman cannot date or be dated Then you have either got it right or wrong altogether.
A big woman or a fat woman so to speak is a picture of warmth and love from a man's perspective. Though man is considered to have fully evolved, the male species is yet to shed its animal instincts! You might think this is strange or scientifically untrue but only if you are the person who lives in self denial. This is the pull factor that a fat woman holds.
In the animal kingdom and especially when the mating season unfolds the male species concentrates its attention on the females behind to detect hormonal changes that might indicate the female is now on estrous. Likewise a well formed bum awakens the animal instinct in a man. But why This is because a well formed, full, rounded bum is an instinctive sign that the female can bear good offspring for the male! I think it must be nature taking its own course in this case otherwise why would a fat woman be so compelling
In dating a fat woman many aspects come into play. One of them is how the society perceives a fat woman. The craze in the modern fashion industry has managed to demonize a fat woman to a very great extent. It has managed to convince the world that fat is ugly. The defination of a beautiful woman has changed, who according to the fashion does not contain an iota of fat. It is lean and slender just something that can almost be blown away by the wind.
It is all psychological or as the saying goes beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The reason why a fat woman sometimes lacks a good man to date her is because a man feels intimidated by the size, only that men will not admit it. A man is sometimes territorial and he wants to dominant but a fat woman oozes power and influence and this complicates matters even more. She is like another center of power in his territory and there can never be two centers of power according to him.
A fat woman ought not to feel verified, she is such a humble creature you will be amazed. Do not dismiss a book by merely glimpsing at its cover but get down and read the book and discover how amazing it is. I assure you will read it and re-read it many more times. Date a fat woman and sooner you will discover that you made the right choice. Big is a sure sign of good tidings.
Let not size intimidate you, let it be your source of strength, take it as a challenge and strategise your game plan. Play your cards close to your chest and be smart. Follow your heart and approach her with confidence and a good starting line to break the ice and open a conversation. Learn her interests and try to win her confidence. Discover the good nature of a fat woman, her warmth and love.
About the Author
Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project DATING A FAT WOMAN Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At DATING A FAT WOMAN
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