
Dress To Impress To Find Your Ukrainian Bride

Posted by: Peter Finch    Posted on: December 21, 2007

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Ukrainians say that here in Ukraine, people first judge others by their looks and only then can they appreciate their personal qualities and IQ. Such a statement is true when discussing the Ukrainian dating dress code, because most of the times your decision to meet with a lady is based on her looks. The same is true about women. They judge men by their looks, though they may use different criteria for their judgments.

You can be sure that the way you dress and what you wear will be extremely important to your future bride.

First, your lady might expect you to match her in her dressing style. You see, even though the economical situation and people's level of income in Ukraine is much lower than that in Europe or US, women here manage somehow to look very fit, stylish and fashionably dressed. Moreover, most of them love to dress up for any even seemingly insignificant events. Thus, they would expect the same thing from you.

One of the rules of the Ukrainian dating dress code that can help you to deal with the matter, is trying to avoid wearing too casual clothes, such as various sports clothes, duffels, shorts, etc. Of course, there are times and places you can put such clothes on: picnics, beach parties or sporting events, for instance. However, most ladies would feel it is inappropriate for their men to wear something like that for going out to the down town area, even for a simple walk.

If you are out at a restaurant, expect your lady to dress well. And expect too that she will also expect you to dress up just as well as she is. Pay special attention to your looks when you are meeting your ladylove's friends and family. A Ukrainian woman's success is often judged by the way her boyfriend looks. You do not want to let her down by failing to dress up. It is always good advice to talk with your lady ahead of time on what to wear to that precious meeting with her friends and relatives.

Jeans fits perfectly into the Ukrainian dress code. Be careful though about the kind of jeans you are going to wear. Ukraine is basically a jeans country, and both men and women love to wear them. But most of the time, they are styled after the latest trend in fashion.

Ukrainian women who date foreign men expect the men to be on the same level or above the Ukrainian men in terms of fashion sense. Of course, this expectation stems from the fact that Ukrainian women tend to believe the foreign men are richer than their own countrymen. Ukrainian women would find themselves surprised and even disappointed if they see that the foreign men they are dating are wearing too casual clothes or worse, frumpy items.

Today, many Ukrainian men, and especially those in larger cities, such as Kiev, Kharkov, etc, try to dress stylishly and they carefully follow latest fashion tendencies in their looks. This means when you are getting ready for your trip to Ukraine, be prepared to be on level or even beat the local male dating dress code.

About the Author

Ukrainian women are amongst the most beautiful, stylish & family orientated women on the planet. Read Peter Finch's amazing book on Ukrainian dating. It's packed full of tips to help you find and win the heart of your Ukrainian bride.

Source: Dating Articles on

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