
Getting Rid of Self-Limiting Beliefs & Inner Game

Posted by: Rion Williams    Posted on: April 9, 2007

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What about getting rid of all your of your self-limiting beliefs

A lot of dating experts will focus on this and it makes sense you would think. They also may say that 'inner game' is everything.

Get rid of your self-limiting beliefs 'about women' and you'll be fine. You'll then be free to be effective with them.

The problem with this entire approach is that it's limited in the first place.

A man's 'inner game' is extremely limited in comparison to the oppressive and ignorant relationship he currently has with power and women.

Indeed, he's already being repressed without his knowing it.

That's why he has to work on his inner game in the first place and other people are laughing their way to the bank because of the behavioral byproducts.

What am I talking about

Relational and social dynamics. If he could instead, focus on fixing his relationships with other sources of power (which are the reasons he is repressed anyways), then he would free himself from those binds.

Then, he could actually BE himself instead of trying to align himself to a power game in which he is a pawn at the bottom of a social hierarchy.

A lot of men take the blame of the world and society on their shoulders while still being ignorant to the truth of it. This causes further compound psychological damage;

"Just approach more. Dude what's WRONG with you You're a big wuss. Etc."

The social matrix is a game of power and influence in which men have been purposely conditioned to not only change their behavior around women but to not realize how it ever happened in the first place.

Not only are they low on the social hierarchy compared to the women they desire, they take all of this blame internally and think it's something wrong with their personality or self-esteem.

They have no idea that they are part of an unnatural and completely contrived system that I call the 'social matrix' or 'forced reality'.

Being 'social' and social influence is not open interdependence anymore like it used to be; it's a game of power, influence and conditional stimulus-response relationships to manipulate behavior and generate more profit.

Instead of being in a limited relationship with society and women where he is a behaviorally conditioned co-dependent response, if he could have cognition of the truth and then re-frame his relational reality, he would be independent and powerful for the first time ever.

He would then be equal to the power of women instead of trying to work on his 'inner game' while it wasn't him that was the root of the problem in the first place; it's his ineffective relationships with society and women.

So instead of trying to improve his personal interests, skillsets or get rid of self-limiting beliefs, he would make a TON of progress (even instantaneously) if he re-framed his relationships to the powers that are oppressing him in the first place.

Inner game is not enough. He has to understand and be cognitive of power and where he stands.

It's all in relational dynamics. Once he can see, reframe and accept his independence, he will not only be independent for the first time, but he will get rid of a lifetime of repression as the burden will lift away.

This equals immediate physiological change and in my work I use the Matrix as the analogy for relational dynamics.

Neo gets his power when he can see (be cognitive) of the 'bullets of influence'. When he knows his relationship to him, he has the power to stop the negative oppressive influence and the bullets (of influence) drop to the ground.

All men have the same metaphorical power, they just have to see what's been repressing them. Then you'll be ten times more powerful.

Focus on cognition of your relationships to other sources of power for they are the oppressors. Then you'll be free to make massive strides in your 'inner game'.

The opposite of cognition is ignorance. If you want power and success with other people of power (including beautiful women), then you'd best be their equal or greater in relational power.

It's time for Alpha Relational Dynamics.

About the Author

Rion Williams is one of the foremost experts in dating advice, personal power, body language and social dynamics. Learn how to be an alpha male who is comfortable in his own skin and succeeds with women and dating @ Also, you can get instant access to see the 'secret of women' for yourself @

Source: Dating Articles on

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