Here Is How To Be A Good Bad Guy In Love, Try It
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I know you are too tired of being the good guy in love because as we all know it does not always pay to be good. You have watched your sweetheart walk away towards this crook of a man and you are wondering what it takes to be a good bad boy. I know it hurts badly to see the girl you offered your all turn her back on you but hang in here, be patient and you might win her back.
A good guy in love tend to think that it is cool to ride in a car with your girl all the time. She would love an adventure where you two go for a ride on a motorcycle. She will be laughing her guts out on such an adventure. I know that is your happiness too. Fun at its best. I know you are thinking she is delicate or she might consider you insensitive but she won't get hurt. If she does, i don't think she minds it since it doesn't happen every day.
Be the unimaginable good guy in love and give the impression that you are crazy about her and can go to any heights just for her. Call her late at night and suggest to go see her. Since your intentions are clear, i bet she won't misinterpret your move. It will be flattering to her to just imagine you can dare take up the risk of moving late at night.
I know it is wise for the good guy in love to avoid arguments but it might reach an extent where it works against you. Don't say yes to every of her request or opinion. Let her sulk if she wants but let your stand be known to her. It is ridiculous to accommodate every none sense and accept every blame just to be on the safe side. Soon you will notice she respects you no more. she takes you for granted and its then you will appreciate that familiarity breeds contempt. Scream your point out until she gets it and you will be happy you chose to be a good bad boy.
A girl worth her salt will evaluate your worth too before she commits her heart to you. Demonstrate that you are focused and capable of achieving great goals. If all you talk about is how old you are and how your mother has never gotten tired of supporting you, you are losing it. No girl wants to hear how of a mama boy you are. That shows that you are either too irresponsible or too pampered to work out a relationship.
Having read this, carry your homework well and be patient. Don't wake up tomorrow and you want to apply everything all at once. Remember you have been the guy good in love who wants to change his course in order to fetch more affection. People will question your sanity and you won't even go far in your mission. Internalize the ideas and learn to live by the rules of being a good bad boy.
About the Author
Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project GOOD GUY IN LOVE Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At GOOD GUY IN LOVE
Source: Dating Articles on
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