
How to attract Sagittarius

Posted by: Mikel Ross    Posted on: March 5, 2008

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Sagittarius signs tend to be much more extroverted and friendly than other signs. They are free-spirited and idealistic. Sagittarius tend to be more creative and philosophical women as well. These kinds of women can make the best girlfriends, because things tend to be more exciting when they are around. But what attracts them

First of all, Sagittarius are attracted to men who have high moral and ethical standards. They like men who live up to ideals of honesty and integrity. That is why so many women Sagittarius are attracted to men in uniform. So you will earn extra points if you're in the Navy or wear a power suit to work.

Secondly, women Sagittarius are attracted to adventurous men. If you are into extreme sports like mountain climbing, snowboarding or surfing then you're in. If your idea of a good time is staying at home and playing video games, then you're out. Women Sagittarius also tend to be into sports.

Companionship is another character trait that attracts Sagittarius women. They like men they can be "buddies" with. Oftentimes this means that the relationship may begin with a casual activity that you both share. Be careful! This can also cause the woman to think of you as more of a friend then a lover.

If you want to attract women Sagittarius then you have to find something that you can both enjoy together. Just be careful that this doesn't land you in "the Friend Zone".

About the Author

"Mikel Ross" is one of three young guys who recently developed an eCourse that details five basic lessons to get from chatting with girls online to actually physically meeting them. If you are interested in learning more about our "5 Lessons to Meeting Girls Online" eCourse and learning how to master this technique, please go here:

Source: Dating Articles on

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