How to Chat to Beautiful Women
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In my previous articles I talked about how to approach beautiful women successfully whether they are on their own or in groups...In this article I am going to discuss how to chat to beautiful women...because this is where most men fall down...
A lot of visitors to my site have asked me... 'But...what do I actually say when I chat to a women...I always seem to bore them to death...I keep putting my big foot in it, etc...'
I have discussed in previous articles how you need to be confident but not arrogant when chatting to women and how you need to keep the conversation as natural as possible and focused where possible on them...
Well first let's look at some of the main mistakes men make when they chat to beautiful women...
No 1 - Boring her to tears
This is a mistake all men make at times, some more than others...You know how guys talk to guys, at the club, bar or office...They compete, right Basically my car's better than your car, I'm the best golfer or will notice any women in their company or close by, quickly glaze over and drift away to talk to each other...
Well a lot of guys when talking to women make this mistake...they endlessly drone about their achievements at work, in sport, etc or go on about current affairs and politics in an effort to impress the lady...she never gets a look in and therefore feels undervalued...
No 2 - Interrogation
Many men get the impression that if they are talking to a woman and she isn't saying much back then she isn't to compensate for this, if they aren't already making mistake no.1, they bombard the lady with questions to keep the conversation going. However this often has the opposite effect and reveals an insecurity which often turns the lady off altogether.
No 3 - The Angry Silence
Or...the fear of the 'pregnant pause'. This is similar to mistakes 1. & 2. and leads some men to never shut up. Watch two guys talking together...there will be loads of pauses in the conversation. It's perfectly natural that there will be periods of silence when talking to a just let them happen...more than likely the lady will fill the void anyway.
So what should you do when chatting to beautiful women...
1. Avoid Yes/ No responses
Don't ask too many questions but if you do, avoid ones that can be answered with a simple yes or no response. Give her control of the conversation by asking her opinion... 'How do you think this place could be improved' is far better than 'Do you come here a lot' are inviting her to express an opinion which by default implies you value it and therefore her...
2. Silence is Golden
Don't be afraid of those small periods of silence. They are perfectly natural. To appear confident, which women love, just let them happen, sip your drink or whatever and just let things flow...
3. Create a Rapport
It's OK to 'chat about the weather' at first but you quickly need to move on to more interesting topics. Tell her a positive story about a recent holiday or a movie you've seen. She will then want to tell you her similar experiences. By swapping stories in this way you are creating a rapport that will be both natural and enjoyable.
In summary, when chatting to beautiful women, you should be as confident and natural as possible. Don't bore her to death or intimidate her with too many questions. Aim to build a rapport by swapping engaging stories and remember to ask her opinions.
Happy Hunting
About the Author
Get your copy of my Top 10 Tips on attracting beautiful women I have over 20 years experience and more importantly loads of SUCCESS!...visit The Extreme Predator and sign up for my tips today. You can also find out about my secret weapon ...and remember I'll continue to reveal ALL my secrets on my site and in this series of articles...
Source: Dating Articles on
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