How to find dating partner through online classified sites
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The Gift of Online Dating
The advent of internet technology and business ideas that find expression within the paradigms of the industry, have resulted in enhanced interactions between people from all over the world. The interactions may be with different intent, but the opportunities to be tapped are always many. The reason for online dating being a profitable indulgence, personally, is that it is basically a dedicated process.
There are four processes in a lifecycle of dating. All of these four processes are essential in order for you to find your suitable partner. These four processes are horribly similar to a marketing process and perhaps these are signs that marketing and finding dating partner are similar. The first process is lead finding; you need to find your potential dating partners whom you can filter later on. If you are subscribed to mobile dating then you can just use the search feature to find great dating candidates within your proximity. The problem with such service is that the probability of finding someone suitable is limited to the number of members in your area who also subscribe to the same service. In this article, I will emphasize on how you can utilize the first process efficiently particularly for female.
I would like to highlight another method which is equally, if not more, potential in generating potential candidates for your dating partner in your area. The usage of online classified sites to find your suitable dating candidates can be frustrating or rewarding. There are few tricks that you can use in order to make this process less frustrating and more rewarding.
When we are talking about classified sites, then there are two ways in which we can act, as an advertiser or as a responder. In this article I will focus on the female point of view. If you are a female then your chance of getting more potential candidates is increased if you act as advertiser. Here are the steps you can take to ensure that you will get the candidates that you are looking for.
The first step you must do is to think about what you are looking for in detail. Write the criteria that you are seeking from your candidates in a piece of paper then list all the criteria in order of importance. You should have more than 5 criteria or else it means that you don't know what you are looking for. The next step is to prepare your best picture to use in the advertisement. Then it's time for the actual action which is writing the ad.
You may be already familiar with the numbers of competitors in a popular classified site; therefore you need something that can set you apart from other women. This may sounds surprising, however by simply having a good and PROPER picture can already distinguish your ad from the others. If you see the popular classified sites such as Craigslist, you will notice that there is a word which says "pic" in the right side of your ads. Out of approximately a hundred of advertisements, only around fifteen advertisements which have the word "pic" which means that you stand a great chance of being distinguished by simply putting your picture in your advertisement.
The next part is the title; there are schools of thought here. The first one highlights that a title should be as eye catching as possible while the second one says that the title should be clear and descriptive. While both may have each own merits, I believe that the latter will do better in attracting the suitable candidates. "Hips don't lie" title may yield more candidates than "24 years old woman looking for established man" however the latter will yield fewer but more matching candidates for you. So try to be as descriptive with who you are and what you are looking for in the title.
The content of the advertisement is equally important although people may not read the whole advertisement anyway. The most important part of the content is ironically your photo. A blurry or crowded picture will most likely turn people off. Try to use a photo which features you solely and clearly. In writing good advertisement content there is one golden rule that you should obey which is to write about yourself first before you state what you are looking for. If you write about what you are looking for first, people may be put off and close your advertisement before they even read about yourself. While it is true that you want to find the right candidates, sometimes your candidates don't realize that they fit your criteria. The best way is to describe yourself as interesting as possible without lying then state about what you are looking for afterward (hint: write the criteria that you have prepared in the first step). Don't be afraid that you may attract unsuitable candidates since you have already filtered them using your advertisement title.
The last step is the actual placement of the advertisement. This always varies from every classified site with other however you can get the best exposure in weekend although there are more competitors also. Try to experiment with this and don't be discouraged if you don't find your suitable candidates in your first trial. Classified sites work wonder for a lot of people which is proven by the increasing number of people who use classified sites to find their matches.
About the Author
At you can easily create your own profile in a few seconds, find new friends in your area and have fun flirting on your mobile phone. It is easy, safe to use and you will chat on your mobile with your friends in just a few seconds !
Source: Dating Articles on
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You Need To Omit This From Your Profile
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You Can Capture His Attention
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You Can Capture Her Attention
That is why you are putting up your capture her attention. You want to make sure you set up our profile to do so. First, do not insult her with a profane "User Name". It shouldn't be nasty, profane, vulgar, crude or sexually suggestive.
You Can Capture Attention Online
And you thought you could only capture attention offline! I guess I should restate that...You Can Capture Positive Attention Online! It really takes a concerted effort. Just remember, what works on one site will work on almost all sites! You can capture attention online by first putting up an eye catching profile.