How To Get More Dates
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Do you know how to get more dates Would you like to have a successful social life And eventually, would you like to meet the love of your life If you said yes to any of the above, it's time for you to find your scouts.
American Demographics did an online poll a few years ago of 1500 people. They asked them how they met their current love. Sixty-five percent said they met through family and friends. Do you have your friendly scouts working for you If not, why not
Are you embarrassed to ask people to scout for you Get over it. Think of this as an adventure. Think of this as the most important, most enjoyable thing you have ever done.
Here are seven steps to getting more dates:
1. Make a list of the people you know.
To get more dates, put everyone on the list from your butcher to your bird-watching club members. You may not ask all of them to scout for you, but in the process of making this list, you may remember someone you would have forgotten. You have more friends and acquaintances than you realize. I have a friend who told the owner of her dry cleaners, and he introduced her to someone the next week. She has been going out with this new fellow for six months.
2. Arrange to meet with 10 people individually.
Getting more dates requires that you call the first ten people on your list and invite them to coffee or lunch. Yes, you are going to be busy--but it's worth it. Tell them what you want. Tell them that you are ready to meet someone and you wonder if they know anyone suitable. Keep your requirements broad and do not get specific about qualities that are not important like hair color, eye color, age, or height. You are more interested in someone who is kind, interesting, and successful at what they do. Of course you want to feel chemistry with this person, but you won't know if that is there until you meet them. You are looking for an introduction.
3. ASK people to fix you up because unless you ask, they probably won't.
To get more dates, you must ask for what you want. When you are single, you think people know you want to meet someone. But most people are not thinking about your needs.
4. Check back with your 10 people in 4 to 6 weeks.
People get busy with their own lives. Furthermore, your request requires some thought. They think they don't know anyone. But if you ask them again, you may be surprised at who they come up with. Naturally, not everyone is going to help you, but someone will, and it only takes one, if it's the right one.
5. Find 10 more people on your list and repeat the process.
After you have networked with your first 10 people, move on down your list and find more. You want all the help you can get. You don't have to take everyone to lunch. If you meet someone casually at a party, or during a meeting, or anywhere, tell them.
6. THANK EVERYONE who finds you a date--even if it doesn't work out.
This is a critical gesture. People need to be acknowledged when they go out of their way to help you. Send the person a card or flowers to let them know how much you appreciate their effort. Ask them to keep remembering you for future dates. If someone brings you a date, it means they have some talent for finding people. You want to encourage them!
7. Hold onto a good attitude.
Attitude is everything when it comes to asking people to be your scouts. You have to remain upbeat, even in the face of discouragement. This process takes work, just like anything else in life worth doing.
You need to assemble your volunteers, cheer them on, and get busy. This is how you get more dates.
About the Author
Visit or for more tips and insight on dating, relationships, singles, and love. Subscribe to our F*ree Dating Newsletter from master single's coach, life coach, and syndicated columnist, Tonja Weimer. Copyright 2006, Tonja Weimer. (Please note source if reprinting this article.)
Source: Dating Articles on
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