How to have an impressive Date with woman
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Tips to have an impressive date with a woman
It can be very nervous for man asking a date especially the lady that you admire or someone you are not close with. It is undeniable that this is usual especially this is your first date with ladies. Well no too worries few tips as below able to make you a wonderful date for this coming Valentine Day.
Asking her for a date:
1) Before asking her out for a date, try to have some conversation together. This will be an opportunity for you to discover if your personalities and ideas are attuned with each other, before you do decide to ask her out for a date. You may find more of her interest to be talk to her during the date.
2) When calling through the phone. Don't forget to mention to her the conversations you had. This will give her the impression that you do listen, making her feel important. Then if you feel that it is time to ask her, go ahead; ask gently, not in a demanding manner.
3) Ask when you both are alone. Never ask a girl out on a date in front of others, like her friends. If she says no, you will both be embarrassed.
During the date:
1) Overall impression and neat is telling how important this date for you. You must look good, and neat. You can take some time to be well groomed, smell nice and choose your clothes look smart and neat. The clothes you put on must correspond to the place with which your date is set. You are creating a good impression and make her feel charm and proud of you.
2) Prepare this big day ahead. Make the necessary reservations and planning for your date. If you have planned for it, she will be impressed that you did put some effort on your night together. Be sure that during the big day you have no appointments.
3) Be earlier to fetch her at her house. When you see her, make her feel good by complimenting the way she looks.
4) When both of you seated at the table, send her a bouquet of flowers - roses which you never go wrong for the date regardless whether that is the first date. Turn off the cell phone will signal to her that you are very much interested in your moment together.
5) Be polite when you talk to her. Say her name often in your conversation to make her feel ease and special. Aside from putting up a positive attitude, your smile is an indication that you are happy to be with her.
6) Have a Sense of Humor. Making a woman laugh means you have won half your battle. This means that she is having a nice time and creates a positive atmosphere. This will be an occasion she would remember, because she had fun!
7) Be attentive. Listen to what she has to say, do not interrupt. Let her finish, before you state your opinion and make eye contact.
8) Be honest. Let her get to know you by telling her what you do and what interests you. If she does not like you for whom you are, then she is not worth your time. Show interest in her too by asking her about her work, hobbies and her likes. Be sensible and honest in initiating such conversations.
9) Relax. Do not worry that your date is not having a good time. Just manage yourself well and enjoy the evening. Be sincere on the conversations open and ask questions.
10) Do not pretend but you can treat the date as time you hang out with friends. Pretending to be somebody that you're not, will not work in the long run relationship. The truth will always come out sooner or later. It is a rewarding feeling if someone is drawn to you for who you really are.
11) Enjoy. Dating should be exciting and relaxing. A woman can sense if you are enjoying your time with her or not. Don't stress yourself trying so hard to make it the perfect date because it won't be. But you both can enjoy it. After all, you did invite her out because you liked her in the first place. Be spontaneous and have fun.
If you have a person that you really want to ask for a date, act immediately and you will be never regret if you start the first step.
About the Author
Shirley, founder of, offers gift recommendation, and party ideas to help facilitate your holiday shopping and festive celebrations. Some of her articles include costumes selection, educational toys for children, flowers for lover, etc. For more gift ideas, log on to and get free stuff (e-books, candy recipes, discount coupon, etc) by signing up her newsletter.
Source: Dating Articles on
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