I Did Not Know That Dating A Woman With A Child Would Be These Demanding
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She is an embodiment of all that you would need in a woman; she has all the qualities to make your dream woman. The mere thought of her gives you an adrenaline rush. She is a mother and she has a child! Ooh no. Questions start rushing through your mind. Who is that bastard who fathered the kid and abandoned such a beautiful woman? Are they still together with the father of the child? Is she married? What might have transpired to eventually render her a single mother? You antagonize yourself so much simply because you are dating a woman with a child, come on!
When dating a woman with a child it is good or better to set your priorities right. Be sure of the path you are treading because you do not have an option. You cannot take one and leave the other. In dating a woman with a child, you cannot love the mother without giving due consideration to the child.
You must understand that what a woman with child holds dear in this world is her child. Her world revolves around her child and she is ready to take an extra mile for the sake of her child. Her child represents her best interests. This implies that she can even sacrifice her happiness including you for the sake of her child. I am sure by now you understand why you do not have options here. It’s a take or leave scenario.
Dating a woman with a child is an art that must be practiced with lots of care and caution. Be sure of your step. Like the holy Bible says” in order to get to the father you must pass through the son” how true. In dating a woman with a child, it implies that you must try your best to win the confidence and affection of the child. According to the woman it would be an abomination if you tried to ignore and sideline her child in whichever way. She will defend her child and protect it vehemently.
Win the heart of the child and am assuring you the battle is won if you are dating a woman with a child. Love the child like it was really your biological child though you are truly not. Take the child to places the child likes to have fun. Learn to play with the child and be carefree with it. Buy the child presents occasionally especially something that that the child likes. The child will grow to like you and eventually adore you. It is possible that the child might fill like you are the father figure it has been missing.
Let it be subtly known to the woman with child that you are truly concerned about the wellbeing and welfare of her child. Show her that her child is as important to you as it is to her. Show her that you genuinely care about her and even more to her child. Be so committed to your goal that in the end you, the child and the mother would be so much synchronized that all of you will feel one. You will be like a family that has always been together and a happy one.
Remember that there is nothing as good as the child endorsing you in this scenario because you are sure that it will be seconded by the mother. In dating a woman with a child her greatest fear is that the child might not be comfortable with the man she is dating. The child might refuse to acknowledge the man and worse still act strangely. But when the child is for you have a reason to smile because the mother is for you too.
About the Author
Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project DATING A WOMAN WITH A CHILD Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At DATING A WOMAN WITH A CHILD
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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