
If You Want to Keep a Woman..

Posted by: Rion Williams    Posted on: April 9, 2007

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So once you have a woman, how do you keep her

I guess I would be an expert at this. I could keep them if I wanted to.

Some would look at it and say that you're with too many women and can't hold a relationship. I'm not trying to hold a relationship. Eventually yes, but not now. I don't want keep just one right now.

The important point is that a man maintains the relational authority in a relationship.

And so, consistently over 95% of all my women in the past wanted more of a relationship with me. I don't get dumped, I do the dumping. I let them go and even then they usually boomerang back to me (even years afterwards).

Even for one night stands, they couldn't get enough, they were evermore attracted, I had to kick them out in the morning, they wanted marriage etc.

This is a good problem and gives me lots of options and choices. This is the way it's supposed to be.

All that matters (in a short-term relationship) is a woman's level of interest and attraction around you as the man.

It's me who always breaks the relationship off or let's them know what kind of lifestyle I live (free and fun) with no socio-cultural expectations.

So if YOU want to be a man that she WANTS to keep, then be a man of high value or high character. Be a great, interesting, experienced guy in many different facets of life. Have a lot of things going on.

Be the guy women SAY they want. They often don't realize it at first, but when you ARE that guy they will probably want to hold onto you.

It's not really a secret to be a man who has value to offer to a long-term relationship. Focus on improving yourself for your sake first and foremost (or to help others). This will just be a part of what you have to offer a woman.

The 'inner' traits, skills and hobbies become important in a longer term relationship and are least important in a short-term physical relationship.

They want to keep me because they see I have all these fascinating attributes including a great sense of humor.

So if you're in a relationship with a woman that you want to keep longer, make sure you maintain relational authority over her and the relationship or it will go down the tubes.

With independent women, the power balance has become a VERY fine line that actually crosses back and forth to both sides. Know that it's going to be a great compromise and challenge to make it work not because of you (men are the ones who end up just being themselves or a little repressed in a relationship), but because of who she became.

Otherwise, if you're dating and just want to stretch it out further. Have fun and throw in some romance.

What I like to do that really is probably the secret (aside from high character/value) that gets to women so that they want more (including more sex) is that I show small yet obvious dashes of emotion and passion.

I know how to make it an emotional experience for her as well.

In this and my knowledge/experience I almost have too much power so I don't do it very often and I always keep things respectful and win/win.

Women have done crazy things for me in the past (like join the Navy just to be closer to me) and so I stay away from using my power like that much anymore.

As a man you have the ability to reach another part of her once you're in a relationship. You can do things that will make her want you more and feel 'in love' and it's all done in a way where you're not being an emo wussbag at all yet actually melting her the way it's supposed to be done.

You do it when you already have relational authority and you do it with relational authority.

For example, out of the blue going up to her and passionately kissing her for half a minute and then walking away.

Or showing her that you have an emotional side as well. Can men cry Should we At the right place and time, absolutely.

Make sure it's always authentic but it's ok to let a tear slip if you're watching a romantic movie or music video with her..or if you're just happy or staring into her eyes.

Hey, it takes a lot of masculinity and authority to admit something like this but when you still maintain the relational authority over her in the relationship (and she's in the natural state of mind or a natural alpha woman), her heart will melt.

Sometimes I might say, don't tell might ruin my reputation or something similar.

To them, it just balances all kinds of things're the total package. Masculine yet with an awareness that most other men don't have. You're sensitive in the right way that makes them want you even more.

Those moments do not last long if I even have them with women.

It's important to be more normal afterwards.

So..throwing in dashes of authentic romance will spice things up for her emotion and attraction to you. That is a very strong way of having a woman WANT to keep YOU; being the lover and the protector.

About the Author

Rion Williams is one of the foremost experts in dating advice, personal power, body language and social dynamics. Learn how to be an alpha male who is comfortable in his own skin and succeeds with women and dating @ Also, you can get instant access to see the 'secret of women' for yourself @

Source: Dating Articles on

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