Is it Possible for a Man to Love a Woman Today?
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Ukrainian Women Unzipped - Reasons Why So Many Men Marry Them
With the rapid development of the Internet, people received an opportunity to meet other people from all over the world and to find their life partners from other countries. There is no doubt that getting online you will find a range of possibilities to date girls from many different countries of the world and you may wonder if are there any advantages of dating Ukrainian ladies.
Can't you love and cherish women without somehow over-edifying them? Or be seen as an emo wuss?
Is the option ruled out or are men instantly wusses if they show any kind of emotion or love for their woman?
Well...the dynamics have changed, but can it happen?
Wow on earth is that possible?
By being in the proper relational dynamic with their true natural character, and being very careful of maintaining your authority in the relationship.
Unfortunately, our modern women have so much developed 'power' that it makes it difficult to maintain the natural relational authority over her in a relationship if she is in her inner or social behavioral character (which is like 98% of the time).
This is why guys have such a hard time in dating women; they just don't see her natural character and so they don't know HOW to behave around her.
Men can't figure it out and if they show any kind of emotion, even at the proper time in the right way, they risk her losing attraction for them because of that delicate power balance.
This is truly a bleak outlook. Man is supposed to silently hold the true relational authority in a relationship by at least 51% or she will lose attraction and interest.
Now, many relationships are held together by mutual contract and most of those don't even last. Sure there are some and guess which ones last the longest?
Usually where the wife is more natural and less 'developed'; it's a statistical fact.
The closer to the roots a woman is as far as natural character, the more a man is able to 'love' her and show his love.
This is why a pre-teen girl will swoon and be able to experience all kinds of emotion when her guy tells her he loves her. They can both experience bliss and levels of emotion that just aren't possible anymore for 'developed' women.
"oh...but then we 'grow' up?' Are you sure? Why is it that it's still the only thing you daydream about and wish for?
Why is it that you read romance novels? Who is to say that you 'had to' develop so much 'logic' that it took away from your own nature?
After all, we're all influenced by our socio-logical environment.
What's to say you wouldn't be more natural and romantic in person if you didn't live in another culture where it was more supported?
What if you were in a traditional Spanish town? Don't you think you'd have a different outlook?
Women will rarely look at something objective like that. As a man, I have. I call it causality and cultural differentiation.
The thing is; it doesn't even matter because it's up to men to know that women have just adapted to their own socio-cultural environment. They are who they are 'as is'.
If we want to succeed with women in physicality, sex or romance we have to bring out the (remaining) natural and emotional character of her.
So how do we do this? We have to be cognitive of her different behavioral traits and know our relationship to them.
Differentiating their social and inner character is something so advanced (yet quite simple) that even the best of ladies men can't even differentiate it because they don't have clear role models.
The ability to bring out the alpha natural nature of women is more important than benig 'macho' and it's the one rare chance that our developed women will have to experience emotion again without ending up with a jerk.
It's difficult to deal with women because their natural character is not behaviorally evident anymore; it's suppressed from the age of (around) 15 onwards.
You'll still see young college girls with positive energy and then over the next few years they will lose it.
They basically sell out to socio-cultural adaptation with a mix of personal development and social adaptation or higher status.
They follow their social and inner alpha role models instead of natural role models of which we don't have anymore. You don't have to hate them for it, just understand that they are adapting to their reality.
Seduction is being able to bring out her repressed natural state and you just have to know it's there. It's there and when you bring it out, she can experience some romance but even then you have to be careful not to overdo it at all.
The more of a natural state she is in, the more love she can experience, otherwise logic and career will get in the way.
Romance is most possible with either young or natural women. You will be able to both get more emotionally involved with each other without other socio-logical behavior and dynamics interfering and spoiling it.
About the Author
Rion Williams is one of the foremost experts in dating advice, personal power, body language and social dynamics. Learn how to be an alpha male who is comfortable in his own skin and succeeds with women and dating @ Also, you can get instant access to see the 'secret of women' for yourself @
Source: Dating Articles on
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