Learn About The Top Ten Dating Sites Online
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With all the online dating sites out there, I thought I'd compile a small list of the top 10 to help those who have no idea where to start. This list not only includes the largest and most successful ones, but a few other fairly new dating sites which have made names for themselves by using an innovative approach.
1) Match.com - This is one of the largest and most successful online dating sites. It has gotten good reviews from most of the people who have taken advantage of its services. Site navigation is easy, and because of the large number of people who patronize its database, the number of people you can meet will be quite substantial.
2) Yahoo Personals - Yahoo is already a household name thanks to the internet. This dating service is more broad-based than the others because some subscribers come here simply to mingle and socialize online. There are tags which will still allow you to filter for people looking for dates, but there are as many people here just out to chat and have fun as there are those looking for romance. A little patience in filtering those who interest you would go a long way in helping you find that special someone online.
3) Friendfinder.com - This site experienced a boom fairly recently. Originally established as a means for people to locate old friends that they lost touch with, it evolved into one of the largest dating services around. The site's old core program remains so you can still utilize Friendfinder.com to get in touch with any old flame and the "ones who got away".
4) eHarmony - This site is for the serious ones out there. Where the other websites focus on casual fun and dating, eHarmony caters exclusively to online daters who are looking for someone to spend the rest of their lives with. If you're the type who is into serious relationships and feel ready to settle down, this is the website for you. They feature personality tests to help its members meet more compatible matches.
5) America's Internet Dating - This website is for people who just want to meet, mingle, and socialize. Unlike the serious approach taken by eHarmony, this website caters to younger crowds and places an emphasis on fun factor.
6) True.com - This online dating service specializes in online dating security and safety. It even goes to the point of doing background checks and profiling of its members. For online daters who want to be on the safe side or might have had bad experiences with scammers in the online dating scene, this is a good place to go because your safety is given a higher priority over simply getting you a date.
7) U-singles.com - This online dating service offers one of the most customizable filtering and search systems available. You can narrow your categories down to very specific choices that get ignored by some other dating services' search engines, like going for looks, money, musical tastes, etc. If you're picky, this is your best choice!
8) Engage - This dating service takes a unique approach that it allows members to play the role of either dater or matchmaker, allowing it's members to help each other find their matches. This unique touch of added interactivity has given this site a growing fan following.
9) Matchtag.com - The approach of matchtag.com is quite unique but catching on quite rapidly. It sets up events like parties, eyeballs, and dates for its members, placing these schedules with "openings" on a social calendar that the members have to fill in. It's as much about organizing events as dating, setting up parties and gatherings and giving out general invitations to all members in the event's area.
10) PlentyofFish.com - This website is funny because its main selling point is it's free and easy to navigate. Because it's free and easy it became one of the fastest growing sites in terms of membership than any online dating service now. They use this as its main selling point because with all the people you'll meet in this site, you're bound to find someone through the sheer number of its member. Like they said, there's plenty of fish.
So fellow readers, those are some of the most popular online dating sites in the internet. Have fun looking for that special someone. I'm sure the person is in one of those sites just waiting for you.
About the Author
Abbas Abedi--Get access to a growing collection of online dating tips. There is a complete ebook posted to help with online dating and matchmaking and much much more.
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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