
Lethal Beauty

Posted by: bivan jhon    Posted on: November 27, 2007

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How Can You Make Your Weddng Rings Even More Special
Hand engraved wedding rings may be the way to go for a few reasons: For example- if you are very particular and want the text to look a certain way: The engraver uses a special tool which often allows you to dictacte the exact font you want. Hand engraving also seems to last longer than machine engraving.

Big Engagement Rings: For Some, the Only C that Matters is the C for Carat
Big engagement rings are becoming more and more common these days. Americans have a tendency to think bigger is better (i.e. mcmansions, SUVs,, etc.) and engagement rings are no different. The days where one carat engagement rings were considered substantial are long gone. Nowadays it takes a 2 or 3 carat ring to elicit some jaw-dropping.

Are You a Savvy Shopper Looking for Affordable Canadian Engagement Rings
Canadian Diamonds are Said to Be Some of the Most Brilliant, Beautiful Diamonds Around! Savvy engagement ring shoppers are often in search of affordable Canadian engagement rings. This may be because Canadian diamonds are reported to be of exceptional quality. Canada produces the majority of Excellent and Ideal round brilliant diamond cuts.

New York Diamond District: Plentiful Diamonds in the Big Apple
Shopping in the New York diamond district can be an overwhelming experience. Being educated about what to expect will serve to your benefit. Before you venture on your trip to the diamond district, make sure to know as much as you can about the 4 Cs and engagement rings as possible. You will look like less of a patsy, or in plainer terms, someome who can be easily screwed over.

Got Cold Feet When It Comes to Creative Marriage Proposal Ideas
Aaagghh, trying to develop brilliant marriage proposal ideas, is enough to drive you crazy. Not only that, but after all that planning, you still are on edge waiting to see if she'll say "Yes!" And to top it all off, after all is said and done, not only will everyone be looking at her engagement ring but they'll also be asking.

High End Jewelry Designers for Engagement Rings
Nothing spells out class quite like Harry Winston Engagement Rings. I've never stepped foot inside a Harry Winston Store but truth be told, I might be a little intimidated. Winston may be most famous for once owning the Hope diamond which he donated to the Smithsonian Museum in DC. I've seen the diamond firsthand and it is awe-inspiring! Harry Winston established his company in 1932.

Christmas Gift Ideas for Girlfriends
So, you would like to give your girlfriend something cute, memorable and most of all something that she will absolutely love It can be hard to come up with these gifts so here are a few ideas to help you: Promise Ring: A promise ring is probably something she has been long waiting for.

Body piercing, has been practiced since olden times by different cultures and the purposes of body piercing long ago were commonly related to spiritual as well as cultural. But nowadays, piercing other parts of body beside ear like navel, tongue, lip, and nose have become mainly for decorative reasons and for self-expression and you will find almost everyone today, young and old, girls and boys alike possess ear piercing.

Standing at the crossway you can notice the passersby racing down the street in either brown or black leather footwear, similar-looking cell phones on their ear or more or less similar business suits pacing fast to reach their destiny on time. You will find that almost everyone pacing down the street walk, dress, act, and look the same. However, you will also find people who refuse to follow the others in the same way instead they create their own world where everything is different. They belonged to emo groups following different lifestyle.

Regarding fashion emo people can go for anything that differentiate them from other normal people. For instance the earring-like pieces that is actually worn on ear has been given a new direction, which has ultimately given, arise to body piercing. Body piercing has now become a form of body art, done through deliberately piercing a particular part of the body and inserting a particular piece of body jewelry and it is done for ornamental purpose. There has been a paradigm shift in the purpose of body piercing from spiritual as well as cultural reason to ornamental purpose. The simplest and widely used method is the standard needle method but there are also other methods that are executed for the same purpose and they are scalpelling, piercing guns, dermal punching, and indwelling cannula method are some of the common and unique in terms of the tools and techniques used.

Though the present purpose of body piercing is to beautify oneself but there involves several risk and few of which are serious. Such beauty obtained by involving risk can be termed as lethal beauty. One can conceivably acquire bacterial infection from contaminated needles and piercing tools and may experience dental damage, excessive bleeding, nerve damage, and allergic reactions and worst of all, one could contract HIV if the piercing tools used were not properly sanitized. Therefore in order to possess such lethal beauty you need to avail of body piercing services only from the most reputable body piercer to ensure a trouble-free body piercing experience.

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