Making A Great First Impression On Women
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Have Difficulties Dating Here Are Some Tips For You
There is nothing that sends cold blood down the spine of a man than the experience you had during your first attempt to seduce a girl. Its usually a hair rising experience. I remember my first encounters were full of anxiety. A thin cold sweet would run down my spine and whenever i faced a rejection, i would wish the earth would open and swallow me alive.
Try This If You Feel You Need More Confidence In A Date
In life there is always a first time, the same thing also goes to dating. There are veterans in this field but i would also say they stand to benefit if they come across a beginner dating guide. Lets also learn from their mistakes to make our experiences better. Do not wait to learn from your own experiences, take advantage of others failures, this will equip and make you ready to avoid any future embarrassments on your way.
What You Need To Meet A Girl And Start Dating
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What Are The Dos And Don'ts On Your First Date.
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Some Surprising Secrets About Women That Many Men Don't Know.
Men live with women in their lives but they have never known some of this secrets about women. Unlike men, women are very secretive they will hardly open up and tell men what they expect them to do. Men will always shout on top of their voices boast and brags how sexy and active in bed they are, but women are very reserved on this topic.
Things That Women Don't Generally Ask But They Want To Hear
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Why I Would Rather A Relationship Dating Married Man
In practice it has always been one man for one woman but one may ask! What would push a woman to be in a relationship dating married man The answers can only be limited to your imagination. This is a topic which has invoked unending debates since the invention of love. Yeah! You can guess how long ago that is.
ALWAYS look your best. I know this sounds REALLY obvious but you'd be surprised by how many men don't understand the importance of this simple tip. You never know when the girl of your dreams will turn up, or where. And it's become a bit of a cliché because it's true -- first impressions really do count.
Here are some figures to consider from my studies.
If you make a GOOD first impression on a woman, you have a 90% chance of EVER getting with her at that point (10% of women for whatever reason will be unreachable for most men at ANY point - she might like women herself etc).
If you make a BAD first impression your chances with her reduce drastically to just 20%. This means that to make her attracted to you AFTER the first 3 minutes of meeting her will be incredibly difficult if her first impressions of you were bad.
It's the difference between climbing a mountain and using a helicopter to fly up one. Good first impressions means you're on your way to the top in the helicopter, bad first impressions means you have a difficult climb to success - no helicopters for you.
Honestly, I can't stress this enough -- always try to look your best.
Tiff's 5 S's of first impressions.
Shave. Shower. Stylish. Smell. Shoes.
Remember these 5 S's and always take care of them before you go out.
Why are shoes my number 5 S
Your shoes are the FIRST thing a woman really notices about your clothing and hence your appearance. Make sure your shoes are clean and fashionable.
What you wear is very important. I could try to recommend a certain look but as with all things fashionable by the time you read this it may have changed.
Get the latest GQ magazine or other fashionable men's magazine's and imitate the styles you see there -- most women don't really care what labels you are wearing as long as you look good so you don't have to spend the Earth on clothing.
Many guys I help dress better usually comment on how strange they feel wearing clothes they are uncomfortable in, but nine times out of 10 they start to feel natural and even confident wearing their new wardrobe within days.
Make sure you smell good. Again this is extremely important. Remember how you feel when a woman walks by you and she smells soooo good - you feel an instant attraction even though you don't know her - well, that's how women feel too.
Wear a good-quality cologne, but don't spray too much.
One squirt on both sides of the neck, and one squirt on both wrists -- maximum. You don't want to smell too overpowering.
I recommend cool water by Davidoff or John Paul Gautier for Men (often called JPG love juice because women love it) if they don't sell it where you are try to order some from abroad, this stuff is GREAT!
And here's a GREAT little SECRET that I have found will help you actually pickup about 24% of women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. You won't find this anywhere else either. What you need to do is...
By Tiffany Taylor Click Here To Read More Tips From Her
About the Author
The D Man is a women's man. He gets every girl he desires but does not use them or takes advantage of them. His website is at
Source: Dating Articles on
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