
Nagging Wife - When Nagging Gets Out of Control

Posted by: Michael Douglas    Posted on: January 9, 2007

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For a lot of men, nagging is comparable to other forms of torture like the rack and being drawn and quartered. Halting your partner's constant whining is easier than you think. But, if you're looking for a stress-free existence, simply follow these suggestions. Believe it or not, you do have the power to stop your partner's nagging.

Agree with her

whether you agree or not, just say yes. By simply acknowledging the validity of her complaints you'll be able to buy yourself invaluable time. Granted, the problems won't be any closer to being resolved, but she'll be so pleased that you've come around to her way of thinking that you'll temporarily be let off the hook.

Tune it out

When she cranks up the volume of her whining, crank up the volume on your stereo just like you used to do with your mom or, better yet, simply zone out altogether. Be forewarned, however, that ignoring it won't make it go away. Tuning her out may be a decent short-term solution, but ultimately it'll infuriate her even more.

Pick your battles

You must know when it's advantageous to pick a battle and when it's not worth fighting for. Be complaint and defiant alternately.

Strike when the iron's hot

If her biggest issue is the mess you leave when your friends come over, make an effort to clean it before she has a chance to get into action. These five minutes of work will save you from three hours of mind-numbing, soul-crushing nagging.

Give deadlines & meet them

You're watching a match and she won't stop harping about replacing the light bulbs in the foyer. Just assure her it will be done during halftime or, more specifically, as soon as the game ends - and then do it. In the future, she'll know there's no need to nag you because you always come through on your promise.

Hug her & make a move

Next time she kicks her whining into high gear, kiss her affectionately and try to divert her attention. Hey, it works. Over time, she'll equate nagging with romantic interludes and it'll work for both of you.

Surprise, surprise

Derail all of her arguments with a sudden and unexpected surprise. Bring her flowers, get her tickets for the opera, do something so romantic and out of character that she'll suddenly forget all about the nagging.

Just communicate

Maybe over time, you have forgotten how to communicate. The next time she starts nagging you, ask her to take a five-minute time out and consider whether she's truly angry about your lack of cleanliness or whether there's a bigger issue at hand. Her nagging about trivial issues might be symptomatic of a larger, more significant problem. Maybe she feels you don't spend enough time with her.

Turn the tables on her

Nobody's perfect, so how about turning the tables on her. Whenever she nags about your unhealthy eating habits, tell her that she also has bad habits you'd like to see her quit. Just keep in mind that the self-esteem of most women is extremely fragile.

Show her the alternative

Life is all a matter of perspective. Sure, you may not be perfect, but at least you're not as bad as your buddies. Show her how lucky she is to have you by inviting your most uncouth friends over for dinner. They'll set the bar so low, that you'll be the king in no time.

Take it or leave it

Tell her there are some things in your life she'll have to accept if she loves you. Given the choice of accepting your faults or losing you altogether, she'll likely make the decision to stick it out.

Take a break

Taking a break may sound extreme, but you'll be able to better appreciate the qualities that brought you together in the first place. Remember absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Shape Up

Nagging is the repetition of unpalatable truths. So maybe, just maybe, there's actually something at the root of her incessant complaining. Granted, nagging is a horrible way of communicating, but she may just have a valid point. Listen to what she's saying and see if you can address the issues that concern her most.

About the Author

Hang loose and be stress-free by just following these rules on how to deal with nagging women plus follow these easy-to-implement steps to keep your woman happy & make her crazy about you.

Source: Dating Articles on

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