Online Personals And Internet Dating - 10 Tips
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Internet dating has become a commodity for people who are interested in joining a dating service. Dating services has it's pros and cons. However, the benefits which dating services offer to their members far out weigh the negatives. Internet dating has become a commodity for people who are interested in joining a dating service.
Reasons People Choose Online Dating
There was a time when the dating pool was confined to the people whom you met in your neighborhood, at school, at work, or through a friend. Now virtually the entire world is open to you. The online world has become a haven for singles. You no longer need to bear the noise and the expense of the bar scene, nor do you need to rely on your parents or your friends to introduce you to someone whom they think you would be sure to fall in love with.
Hooking For Social Status
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Two Job Lovers
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Picking Up Women On the Beach
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It is estimated that 25% of people using the internet will, each year, use a dating or personals site. With the popularity of online personals and internet dating being so huge, it has never before been so important to successfully compete to find your desired partner.
In this short article I will lend you some highly effective, proven methods, that I have learned by running my own free dating site, to help you successfully use personals and dating services on the internet.
1: Upload At Least A Dozen Pictures
It goes without saying that people, before making a decision to meet you, want to have a good idea of what you look like. So upload at least a dozen pictures of yourself and, importantly, always use a face picture as your default profile image.
2: Create A Good Profile
If you put little or no effort into your profile, you will get poor results. Create an interested biography, short but sweet, and include other relevant information in the appropriate fields.
3: Contact The Right People
The best online personals and internet dating sites have advanced search functions. What you need to do is search for people who are seeking people exactly like yourself. Then contact them. These are the absolute best people to contact because they've already expressed an interest in meeting someone just like you.
4: Use Humor
A salesman will tell you that humor and a natural smile will win over most people. At the end of the day, when you join a personals site, you are basically attempting to sell yourself. Using humor puts people at ease and instantly wins them over. You can use humor in your pictures and, of course, in your writing.
5: Don't Be A Bore
When creating your profile, taking your pictures and writing your personal information, try to entertain and keep everything interesting. When writing ensure you use plenty of short paragraphs and sentences. With your pictures, take ones that are a little different.
6: Try More Than One Dating Site
There are dozens of dating sites with several million members apiece to be sure to maximize your chances of success by using more than one service. People who successfully use personals sites and dating services will, on average, be using three such services at a time. Think about it: if each site has a million members, it's a lot better to expose your dating profile or personals ad to 3 million members than to 1 million.
7: Free Dating And Personals Sites
You will find dozens of great free services available for your dating profile and personal ads. Since these services are free they get a lot of people looking at theme each day. So use these services and I guarantee you'll have several thousand sets of eyes viewing your ad or profile each day.
8: Honesty Is The Best Policy
Do not do what so many people do and lie about themselves to get a hookup or a date. If you're not the owner of a Ferrari, if you're not an ex-model, if you're not an Olympic athlete, please do not profess to be so to people who have yet to meet you. Sure, by telling such lies you might increase your chances of a meeting, but when you do meet and they get picked up in your 1976 Buick, and you have a noticeable beer-belly, they'll find it hard to trust and, indeed, like you; a dating disaster, as they say!
9: Place Several Ads With Classifieds Sites
To ensure more people find out about you, place several ads with free online personal classifieds sites. You are usually allowed to place an ad every 24 hours, so do so.
10: Appeal To What People Want
Now this, folks, is my top tip. Let us say that you are a big beautiful woman. We know a lot of men absolutely go mental for such women - a quite rightly so, more to love! If you are such a women, make sure you give people what they want. Show them your size in pictures, write about it, let people know that you understand how sexy your size makes you. Similarly, if you're an athletic man, you can be sure there are women or men seeking guys just like you. Show your athleticism in pictures and write about it.
If you follow the above steps, I guarantee you will meet with much success with the ever-popular online personals and internet dating sites.
About the Author
David Draper is the owner of the totally free personals site, Personals Dot Com.
Source: Dating Articles on
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