Speed Dating Questions- Be Unique
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Speed dating is a fantastic way to meet people. Just about any major metro area has a speed dating organization. Check in your areas weekly papers. Or search online for websites.
You will have a chance to have little 8 minute dates with up to 25 partners. Talk about a fast way to meet a lot of dating prospects. The typical speed dating event is set up in a lounge or restaurant and lasts a couple of hours. There will be a host to get things started and you will sit down with your date for 5-8 minutes and then move on to the next lady. Very relaxed and stress-free dates.
There is little pressure, as long as you remember this is just fun. Stay calm and relaxed and just go with it. See what happens. Just think about how much you will have to talk about for the next week. It is an adventure and will give you many stories to talk about with people.
You will want to be dressed well and looking your best. Now you are probably wondering what you should talk about. Well it is only 8 minutes so you don't have to try and impress.
Simple but unusual questions are the best. And you only need a few, you can ask them all the same question if you want to. Nobody will notice, they are busy talking to someone else.
Don't ask them about their job, family or what they like to do.
Ask something she hasn't heard before, something she will have to think about to give you a good answer.
Some unique questions for speed dating or dating in general:
- 1. Where do you want to be in 3 years
- 2. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid
- 3. Tell me about your first crush.
- 4. What do you look for in a guy
- 5. If you could jump on a plane tonight, where would you go
- 6. What made you pick out that color of scarf
- 7. What's the scariest thing you have ever done
- 8. Tell me what superpower would you love to have Flying,
- invisible, able to leap buildings
- 9. What parts of your job do you absolutely love
- 10. Why did you want to try speed dating
- 11. How would you spend a million dollars in 30 days
- 12. Where do you really want to travel to
- 13. Why do you live in Seattle What do you like about it
- 14. What is your favorite holiday
- 15. If money was no object, what would you love to do for work
So there you have some great examples of unique speed dating questions. You only have a few minutes with each person so be different and make her think. If you listen carefully and pay attention, she will give you ideas on where to go next in the conversation. Give her your complete attention and look at her eyes!
Speed dating is a blast, give it a try.
About the Author
Visit for Free Dating Advice.We have great articles and tips at http://www.attractingwomentoday.com
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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