
Straight Facts On How To Keep Your Love Alive

Posted by: Jerry Heng    Posted on: December 31, 2007

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Are you in a relationship already Is your relationship always fun and creative, or is it as still as water

Keeping love alive requires time, attention and the willingness to keep things fresh and learn how to constantly reconnect. Here are some steps that will help you reconnect with your partner, so that your relationship remains on track.

After the initial excitement of being together is over, many will take each other for granted, they expect that their partner knows how they feel, and it does not matter if they do not look good during their dates. This spells a great disaster in the relationship. Give up dead routines. Find time to plan for exciting and romantic times to spend together. A couple that plays together can stay together.

Spend some time alone. This is a very important piece of advice, which many people will not realize. Sometimes, you need to spend time alone. Building yourself as an individual will help you as a couple.

Listen to your partner and just talk about everything. Pay attention to more than just what your partner is saying. You need to pay attention to their actions and their emotions. Developing an attitude of appreciation for each other requires awareness and a focus on each other throughout the day.

The behaviors we associate with intimacy - flirting, touching, kissing, and stroking - stay fresh only with constant practice. A quick telephone call or a voice mail message reminds our partner that they are always on our mind, no matter the demands of work and career.

Have Good Manners- You may have been together for a long time, but that does not give you the right to be rude. Say 'Sorry' or 'Excuse me'.

Consciously view your partner in a way that is similar to the way you did in the beginning. They will feel the effects of this, and begin responding in kind.

About the Author

Jerry Heng is a Dating and Relationship Consultant who helps singles to be successful in the dating scene, overcome dating phobias, enhance love relationships, and find their true love. To learn more about his free Dating and Relationship advice, visit his blog You can also get his free report at Further recommended resources:

Source: Dating Articles on

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