
The Art of Approaching Women - 3 Things Every Beginner Must Know

Posted by: Diante Duval    Posted on: October 18, 2007

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Let's face it... Learning the art of approaching women (hot and beautiful women, at that) can be downright challenging - and that's putting it lightly. Many a men either (a) strike out and look like losers or (b) ride the pine and watch helplessly while other guys captivate the opposite sex, symbolically reducing the manhood of the benchwarmers to the stuff that goes into hot dogs.

The bad news is that a similar scenario plays out all too often in pubs, clubs, and lounges across the globe. Fear of rejection has been a plague upon man since antiquity. However, the good news is, it doesn't have to be that way forever.

Learning the art of approaching women can be the tipping point to help you cross that elusive threshold of social success. But such a change in approach often requires that you to abandon your current comfort zone - something easier said that done. With that in mind, there are three key points that will help make your transition from public pariah to social sweet talker a lot smoother.

1. Be yourself...

Yes, the phrase is cheesy and a little cliche. However, it still holds true. You are not looking to become the man you think she wants you to be. Even if you miraculously manage to snag the woman with some half-baked approach, time will eventually reveal the real you. Lying and being fake usually doesn't bode well for the longevity of a relationship.

If you're just interested in a one-night stand, you could, perhaps, get away with such a method of approaching women (however, I would not recommend it). But, if you're looking for something with a tad bit more stability, then the best advice is to be yourself. Your job is to put the best you forward.

2. Chicks dig confidence...

It's true... chicks dig confidence (and the long ball). Being secure in yourself is, in many ways, an extension of the first point. Women, time and time again, will admit that nothing (except for humor, maybe) is more attractive than confidence.

Perhaps, the better term to use is "swagger," that happy medium between spineless pansy and obnoxious jerk. It's exactly one notch below arrogance. To the female, it sends the message that you recognize the world does not revolve around her.

For instance, let's assume we're in your average lounge or club. By the bar is a gorgeous female who is being swarmed by guys. Instead of following suit and hoping for the best you, instead, choose to buy a drink, make eye contact with her, and proceed to go on about your business.

Now, some people might be asking: "how is doing that any different than going into a bar and avoiding the female altogether" Quite simply, it's different because you have separated yourself from the other guys in the place - but, this time, you did so by standing out for all the right reasons.

Chances are pretty high in your favor that she will notice this. Automatically, her interest has been piqued. Why Because you are now a challenge. Your odds of success will be much better if you decide to approach the woman later, toward the end of the night, or whenever she's not being bombarded by a flock of horny (and equally clueless) dudes.

3. Have fun... regardless!

A simple tip to remember before going out to practice the art of approaching women, is this: don't go out to practice approaching women. Yes, the tip is a bit cryptic... But, basically, what it means is that going out should still be about good friends, good food, and good times.

Don't let women (or the lack thereof) stop you from having fun. Ironically enough, if you do this, it will make approaching women much easier. Women like men who know how to have fun. If a female sees you enjoying yourself instead of gawking over her like every other guy in the place, you will stand out even more.

These three tips are but a mere introduction into the complex, but highly rewarding, art of approaching women. This advice will serve as a valuable foundation to stand on once you become more familiar with the concept.

If you manage to keep an open mind and dedicate a reasonable amount of time to learning about the art form, then it's safe to assume you, too, will be able conquer your fear of rejection and learn how to successfully apply the techniques taught in the Art of Approaching women.

About the Author

Diante Duval runs the Art of Approaching Women Review. He offers practical advice, easily implemented strategies, and advice crafted from experience. To find out more about overcoming fears of rejection, gaining unshakable confidence, and acquiring magnetizing swagger, visit

Source: Dating Articles on

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