The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Art of Seduction
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There's a lot of talk about "approach anxiety", and for good reason. It has been optimistically estimated that over 80% of all men are terrified of approaching attractive women they have ever met. And let's face it: without overcoming this fear it's all but impossible for a man to experience any success whatsoever in meeting great women, let alone attracting and keeping them.
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Meeting a Rich Man
There are girls who dream about princes coming around in their white Mercedes convertibles, straight from their villa in Spain. It's completely natural that people strive for better living. A wealthy man will be a financially good father, and every female wants comfort for her children. The rich got whims of their own.
Infidelity - Caught In The Act
Trust is an essential element to any relationship. This lies at the heart of a strong relationship. But, once that trust has been abused, it will be very hard to rebuild that into the relationship. Let's say that you have a relationship for some time and you really love your partner. Although, you have been caught having an affair by your girlfriend.
Find Out How To Stop Your Shyness & Social Anxiety Once And For All!
Thousands of people have been taught to overcome their shyness and social problems using a few simple mental 'games'. Now, the secret will be revealed. Jon Mercer is a personal development coach and the creator of the EasyCalm System for overcoming Panic Attacks and Anxiety. He was someone who suffered for many years with big social problems.
In this article " The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Art of Seduction" you will learn how to use the "Law of Attraction" to be more successful with women. You can use the "Law of Attraction" to attract to yourself that one special lady or if you want, a bunch of special ladies. Whatever makes you happy.
The Law of Attraction is the most powerful force in the universe. It is simple in concept but practice is necessary. When you understand the Law of Attraction you will know that you can be, do, and have all that you desire.
The simplest definition of this law is "like attracts like". Have you heard of self-fulfilling prophecy People tend to get what they expect.
In order to put this law to work for you in your seduction efforts you must understand that thoughts become things. You must focus on what you want and not what you don't want.
So if you desire to be more successful with women, feel the feelings of already being successful with women.
What will it feel like if you were already successful with women
Visualize and feel those feelings now and hold on to those feelings as you go about your day. Doing this exercise a few minutes each day will bring about the situations, circumstances, and people that will make your desires a reality.
So remember to get in touch with the underlying reasons for your desires. Feel the feelings of already being successful with women now and your seduction efforts will be automatic and effortless.
About the Author
If you found this article on being more successful with women helpful you can find more articles on the art of seduction by visiting the Complete Online Guide to Being Highly Successful with Women at:
Source: Dating Articles on
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