

Posted by: Leah Woods    Posted on: March 16, 2006

More Dating Articles

Russian Dating Websites - Way Much Cheaper and Effective
Online dating is perfect solution for men who suffer the overburden of modern life and responsibilities. Stuck in offices and limited social life, these people have less time for bars and booze where they think they can find a nice lady. Even more, today's women consider men who visit bars, spineless and unambitious.

Russian Matchmaking Agency Vs Self Research
If you have decided to look for new love, you are welcome to find it in Russia. Most matchmaking agencies will assure you that here the women are modest, but sexy and they will arrange everything for your perfect first date. On the other hand all informational resources are alarmed by the growing number of frauds already recognized as Russian scams.

Russian Single Girls - Between Heaven and Hell
Russian women have always been considered hot. This is provoked by their tremendous efforts to be at the top, working hard and looking carefully after their visual appearance and Lolita behaviour. Modern Russian single girls are mixture of mutually exclusive conceptions. They are romantic and pragmatic, naive and prudent, chaste and seductive.

How Men Find Sexy Russian Brides
Many of you may have wondered why Russian brides are so sexy and smart. The truth is only one: its their husbands that are giving them motivation to be such. Have you ever wondered why there are so many men who have managed to find a wife who has so many undisputable virtues such as being smart, beautiful, sexy and rich The truth is that actually many Russian girls have started their family life out of nothing else but a desire to be part of the luxury lifestyle of the super millionaires.

Women Need To Be Aware Of These 5 Stages Of Dating
Attraction is the first step in dating. For a woman, it's our responsibility to flirt when we feel attracted to a man. Use authentic lines like, "Hi, my name is..." and "Where are you from" Men love honest, down to earth women. Asking where he's from is a sure and safe way to get that awkward first conversation started.

what is social dating
Copyright (c) 2007 Atkin Harrell Love and dating are the two important aspects of romance. When a person develops some feeling for a member of the opposite gender, it can be romance. The romance can be at first sight. Love or romance is like a flower, which needs proper care and nourishment to grow.

Go Online to Find Your Soul Mate
Everyone dreams of finding the perfect soul mate who has all the traits they want in his or her partner. One good place to begin your search is Christian online dating sites. These online dating sites help you to find someone with common interests as your own and you'll find a large number of people from which to choose.

This installment covers the phone/email stalker. You can find this article series as part of Game Chronicles log onto: to find out more about the zine and the Dating Challenge contest. This person has a special ring tone -to warn you. If you're lucky that day you'll receive one email. You open the email to find a happy face...what does it want This person seemed so normal when you first meet--who knew Now this person is starting to make a pest of him/her...what to do The suggested solution depends on how you answer the next question: Do you want to continue developing a relationship with this person You will have to make a definitive answer -yes or no (hint if you're saying maybe the answer is no) I repeat advice my Life Coach clients and in other articles for people not to take the cowardly and cruel route that leaves the other in the chasm of the unknown. Don't let someone else do your speaking and when you turn down someone in person do it in a public location (no matter how long you have known this person) or do it by the person personal email or home number(voicemail). If you've ever had a bad break up you will understand the advice. It's unlikely anyone will ever thank you for saying no thank you to them but that isn't a reason to leave this person in that chasm. Be gentle, direct and avoid giving away your class or courage to anyone or circumstance (specific bowing out tips check out the Dating 101 section of site next month) Choose your ONE form of communication and show and tell this person the best way to stay in contact with you. Avoid the mixed signals: if this person calls you don't email them back you got their message--call the person back. To stop the multiple communications you will have to stick to your chosen form--phone, email, text and don't respond to all the communications. If he/she emails you 4times in a day don't respond back to every email. The idea here is to get the person to STOP the multi communication. If you don't want this person contacting you any longer--say please stop contacting me. If you have been dating longer than 3 mths and/or have had sex with this person explain why you want to stop dating this person. You don't have to be mean about this. Plan what you're going to say calling/emailing the person. If you want to stop dating don't wait until after the vacation and don't have good bye sex. If your feeling lonely, bored or just curious one day don't contact this person "just to see how they were doing" --- you're now playing with this person's head and it's unlikely you would enjoy someone doing this to you. Dating is a relationship even when it's casual. Relationships are communications. Upcoming articles: Rejection and what is Game This article is written by Leah Woods, Life Coach and Author of Game Dating: Navigating through the Lame.

About the Author

Leah Woods is a Life Coach and author of Game Dating and Game Chronicles zine is a single straight woman dating successfully in New York City. To order a copy of $30 eBook Game Dating please log on to About Psstdating,, based in New York City, NY Life Coach dedicated to assisting others to their personal success in life.

Source: Dating Articles on

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You Need To Omit This From Your Profile
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You Know Your Profile Is Good If...
If you are going to put up your profile, you want it to be the best one possible. We have a check list and we have followed it... The User Name is appropriate and tasteful. It is classy, fun, cute, and a little bit risqué! Our photo is done professional, yet has a natural flare to it.

You Can Capture His Attention
Yes, it is possible to capture his attention online. I don't care what the competition is! Let's start...hopefully we are trying to capture positive attention! Remember, you can be tasteful, fully dressed and still capture his attention.

You Can Capture Her Attention
That is why you are putting up your capture her attention. You want to make sure you set up our profile to do so. First, do not insult her with a profane "User Name". It shouldn't be nasty, profane, vulgar, crude or sexually suggestive.

You Can Capture Attention Online
And you thought you could only capture attention offline! I guess I should restate that...You Can Capture Positive Attention Online! It really takes a concerted effort. Just remember, what works on one site will work on almost all sites! You can capture attention online by first putting up an eye catching profile.

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