
The Dangers of Being Promiscuous

Posted by: Ian Lewis    Posted on: July 11, 2006

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The Dangers of Being Promiscuous.

Picture this in your mind: The bars are closing, people are leaving and you are...

A: Trying to drink half a pint of vodka before the barman takes it away.

B: Oblivious and still dancing madly to the music playing in your head.

C: Wondering just exactly what it is you did with your car keys.

D: Using your mobile to dial up a man or woman for drunken wild sex.

If you picked 'D', you just might be promiscuous, or at least heading down the road toward it.

If you picked one of the other letters, well, you're just like all the other people that patronize bars on a daily basis. But, that's another story. So, what's wrong with being promiscuous, you ask Wilt Chamberlain is and he's famous for it, but what's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. There's plenty to be said for wild, crazy, spontaneous sex, but there's even more to be said when you crave it all the time.

Dating Dangers I don't think there's anything really wrong with a protected one night stand encounter, if it happens once or twice in your lifetime. But when it's an every night occurrence for you, I have to say, there could have a deep rooted emotional problem you need to come to terms with. This is probably the most obvious red flag that all men and women should be very, very careful about if they are promiscuous. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are running rampant in our world today, and despite what you might think, you are NOT immune. Herpes, genital warts, HIV and are a very real risk that men and women shouldn't take lightly. If you're going to be promiscuous, at least be smart about it. Men should always wear a condom and women should always insist upon it no exceptions.

Who Are You Hurting You probably don't want to think about it, but you could be hurting all of the men and/or women you've been sleeping with during your promiscuous rampage. If it was a one night stand, friends with benefits or a fling that you have been getting your dirty NSA sex from, chances are a few of them haven't felt the same way as you. Whether you choose to believe it or not, sex often leads to emotional attachment, for both women and men, and will ultimately lead to broken hearts if you're not careful. So, next time you're sweet talking someone into coming back to your place, consider your intentions. If you don't plan on ever calling this person again, perhaps you should go home alone and be promiscuous with yourself

Probable Causes If you've been sleeping around with a plethora of men or women and haven't had a healthy relationship in some time, there is probably a deep-rooted problem there you don't want to unearth. Maybe you were hurt by someone in the past, are afraid of commitment or made a vow to yourself to never fall in love with someone after you watched your own parents' relationship dissolve. Whatever the case is, promiscuity isn't the answer. Having multiple dating partners isn't going to make you feel better or make any hurt, sadness or pain go away. In fact, it just might make it worse. You have to address the issues you have if you ever want them to disappear. So, instead of having a one night stand with the hot man or woman you just met, invite them to dinner. Get to know them on an intimate level before you try to coerce them into the bedroom. You may just find that it's time to throw that little black book away after all.

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