The Effect of Popular Social Influence on Dating
More Dating Articles
A Woman and Online Dating
OK the time has come. You have joined an online dating service or two. Now you must write that all important profile, the one that will attract attention and reel in the man of your dreams but where to start Maybe writing is not even something you think you do all that well. Even so, you can do this.
Tips For Speed Dating
Speed dating was introduced in the 1990s. He originally invented speed dating as a way for young Jewish singles to meet other singles. Since the advent of it has become increasingly popular throughout the United States as well as many other countries and in many major cities there are nightclubs hosting speed dating nights.
Can Long Distance Relationships Work
Relationships are hard work, but when you add distance between the two of you it can become even more complicated. Long distance relationships are quite common these days as the Internet brings people together from all over the world. Other people have to endure long distance relationships because of job obligations that take them away for extended periods of time.
How To Instantly Double Your Success With Women
Today I'm going to reveal one of the most insanely simple ways to DOUBLE your success with women I know of. When I say simple, I mean it. No tricks, no rehearsing to get it right, it can be done anywhere no matter what the situation is. In fact, you'll find almost every SUCCESSFUL pick-up has this as a major element.
9 Keys to Meeting People Online
The world is such a big place. Thanks to the Internet, it makes it a little smaller for everyone. There have been many wonders on Internet that made it easier for people to meet online. There are the chat rooms, e-mails, forums and many social interest groups that would help you meet people from all corners of the world.
Advice On Dating
Dating can be a minefield, no matter how old or young we are. First dates can be stressful for teenagers or for divorcees who haven't dated for twenty years. My advice on dating is borne from experience. You learn from mistakes. No matter how you cut the deck, there has to be a first date. Of course, you may have known someone for a long time beforehand and been friends which should ease the tension.
1) KNOW WHAT YOU WANT If you only have a vague idea of what you want, how is your partner going to know People often expect other people just to automatically know what it is you want as if it is common knowledge. However people would be surprised to know just how different we are all. We often just think that we want is what other people want, but everyone is unique, so there is no way that people are always going to know what you want, no matter how well they know you, how long they know you, whether they are people smart or a pysic mind reader.
I have several girlfriends and X's who are fans of that show but what is happening is that their sex lives are close to very dry.
The show has become more of an 'escape' rather than a reality for many women.
What's happening is a great 'divergence'. What I now call the 'social matrix' is sending out massive amounts of programming that is actually controlling and influencing people beyond their cognition.
The social matrix is essentially more socialistic than Socialism itself. Look at the level of influence that exists today, stemming primarily from America with Los Angeles and NYC as the epicenters.
Instead of bringing people closer together and forming new relationships, social influence has actually caused a great dichotomy.
People are now more independent than ever in relation to each other. Instead of connecting with each other and flirting, they are more apt to be dismissive and questioning of another's intentions.
There are more singles today than ever which is a byproduct of our social environment.
The architects, executives and producers are producing all kinds of great content and programming. But the effect of this is essentially keeping a lot of people further apart than bringing them together.
In college when I was in a student organization called AIESEC, I learned a lot about interdependence, respect and connecting with other people.
Instead of truly open social environments, people will accept what's handed down to them.
They'll keep going out clubbing without ever realizing what a contrived, superficial stimulus-response environment it really is, partly because it's what's promoted and that there aren't any other real options that are popular.
What happened to wedding reception type events or cocktail lounges that don't blast the music so loud that you can't even hear yourself think let alone connect with another person without that social distortion getting in the way
And I was a club promoter and I'm saying this. There are many things that we just accept as reality because it is all that we see in front of us.
Cultural differentiation saved me from a lifetime of confusion and influence from sources I didn't understand or control of.
I would encourage both men and women to get more in touch with their natural character instead of just falling prey to the social power game that is being played.
Women know they hate it despite all the attention they get from being the stimulus. But they just can't quit because the influence is too strong.
It's up to men to know the true relational reality of what's going on and where they and women fit into it all so that they can make connections instead of building up a further disparative fantasy world of edifying a perceptual fantasy.
-Rion Williams
About the Author
Rion Williams is one of the foremost experts in dating advice, personal power, body language and social dynamics. Learn how to be an alpha male who is comfortable in his own skin and succeeds with women and dating @ Also, you can get instant access to see the 'secret of women' for yourself @
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You Can Capture His Attention
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You Can Capture Her Attention
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You Can Capture Attention Online
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