The Key To A Healthy And A Happy Relationship
More Dating Articles
Dealing with Online Dating Rejection!
An unfortunate part of the dating process has always been and will always be rejection. Simply put, not every person that you come across will be the type that you would like to pursue something more with; either they're not your type physically, or else other key differences in personality begin to show as the friendship progresses.
Online Dating - Options For Whatever You Desire.
As the proliferation of internet access across the country reaches an all-time high, it has become increasingly evident that, regardless of what it is that you're searching for, you can probably find it online. Products and services of all shapes and sizes can be found online, and even things that are not easily obtainable locally can be found with minimal effort on the internet.
Online Dating - First email, how to get a response
You have gone through the process of browsing online personals and selecting somebody who piques your interest. Now comes the part when you must initiate contact with the person and see how a relationship might develop. The best-laid plans for contact, however, can quickly come unraveled if the opening salvo is not up to par.
Creating a Successful Online Dating Profile
As the adage says, "You never have a second chance to make a first impression." The way that somebody initially perceives you largely determines their future relationship with you. This is especially true when speaking of romance and dating; if you are not particularly intrigued or interested by the person you are speaking with, what reason do you really have for continuing your efforts Conversely, a successful matching of personalities and interests can lead to stimulating conversation and future romantic possibilities.
Advantages to Online Dating
A quick foray into a bar or a nightclub reveals some of the major shortcomings of looking for romance in such places. A combination of booming bass and shrieking laughter bombards you aurally, while a potent mix of cigarette smoke and spilt beer assails your olfactory senses. Eventually, amidst the human chaos of the locale, a figure from the opposite side of the room piques your interest.
Online Dating- How to Protect your privacy on the Internet
Online Dating- How to Protect your privacy on the Internet Online dating is becoming more and more mainstream, as people from all walks of life plug in and find their soul mate in cyberspace. Here are six tips to finding that special someone while still maintaining your privacy and safety online. 1.
Ecards - Use Them To Create More Love
Love is like a tree. Imagine days, when you hear no word from your sweetheart. You start getting ideas. You get lonely and think of why This why may bring many answers that may not be very conductive to romantic love. Romantic love demands affirmation regularly. Every lover loves to hear from his or her daring - I Love You.
When you think of healthy a happy relationship, it sound like a myth to many that are married. There is actually a big problem in the modern world. The institution of marriage which is sacred and ordained by our creator is threatened. As a person i feel both the parties involved in this institution must come to terms with the reality and save the institution from collapsing.
These calls for both the parties involved to exercise a very high degree of restraint and emotional control. Its not always true that in marriage you will have a healthy a happy relationship but you have to tolerate one another. Marriage is an institution that will so much require the process of give and take to be exercised. Marriage is sweet and very fulfilling if its well managed.
Your partner is human don't expect him or her to behave like the model person who is in your mind. Let us understand that no one born of a human being is perfect, we all make mistakes. Accept that your partner can make mistakes or do things that are not acceptable in your eyes. Exercise a very high degree of restraint. Its only through using the Gods given gift of love that you can have this rare but so much coveted healthy and a happy relationship in your marriage.
According to the teaching of the Bible and the holly Koran. Love is the greatest commandment and by the gift of love you can change your partner through motivation and showing that you love and care. Love can move mountains, believe me! it can perform wonders in the life of a human being. Don't expect your partner to change and behave like your mother or your father, people are deferent in their own ways.
Remember you and your partner come from very deferent backgrounds and bonding with that other person will take time. Communication in your relationship is essential and the key to a healthy and a happy relationship. Talk, listen to one another, share the good and the bad things in your relationships. Open up to one another as much as possible and share the gift of love together. Learn to appreciate the good things that are with your partner and let your partner feel your presence is complementary. Not a bother or a headache. Develop a sense dependence towards one another, This way you feel incomplete when your partner is not with you. Feel part of one another and allow the gift of sex done in the context of love bond you together. This will no doubt bring back the healthy and a happy relationship you used to have before marriage.
Develop a degree of dependence towards your partner. Be more of a friend to your partner than develop the big brother or sister kind of an altitude. Develop a sense of understanding and very high degree of fairness in your relationships,. Do not concentrate so much on the negative side of your partner but turn those weakness into opportunities in your life.
Get time for romance and dedicate time to your partner when you are just the two of you and appreciate the gift of love together. Get time to meditate and remember those days during courtship when you had a healthy and a happy relationship. Ask yourself what went wrong! Every individual is unique in once own right, nobody is like the other, we are all beautifully and wonderfully made. You are special and unique in your own way. See your partner as a unique creation and learn to appreciate and accept the wonderful work that was done by your creator. This way you will be able to appreciate and love one another.
About the Author
Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project HEALTHY AND A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At HEALTHY AND A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP
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You Need To Omit This From Your Profile
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You Know Your Profile Is Good If...
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You Can Capture His Attention
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You Can Capture Her Attention
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You Can Capture Attention Online
And you thought you could only capture attention offline! I guess I should restate that...You Can Capture Positive Attention Online! It really takes a concerted effort. Just remember, what works on one site will work on almost all sites! You can capture attention online by first putting up an eye catching profile.