The MySpace Connection
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Are You Taking a Hit Off the Ol' Validation Crack Pipe?
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Tips to Build your Confidence Through Song.
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by Paula Snowsill, Dating Coach It’s all the rage. And it’s not just for kids. In fact, adults are flocking to the MySpace social community in record numbers, forgoing the structure and security of traditional dating sites for the excitement, free-for-all, anything goes realm. First, a little story: I have this friend Lily who was a computer neophyte just 6 short months ago. In fact, she didn’t even have a computer. “You’re going to love it, you’re going to love it,” I predicted before her college age daughter bequeathed her old computer to her mother. “Nah,” said Lily with a wave of her hand. “I’ll stick to Jerry Springer, General Hospital and the dogs.” Thus was the essence of her pre-computer day. Well, the computer arrived, and guess what? Lily loved it. In fact, Lily found her way to the website of her current obsession " one of the bodyguards on Jerry Springer. Guess where that website was? You got it: MySpace. Three boyfriends and one bodyguard later, let me tell you how my friend has managed to get every single male she talked to on MySpace declare his true feelings of love for her. However, before I begin, there is a major caveat here, and that is: Follow these actions at your own risk. I am in no way presenting these as a recommendation or suggestion for your own success, but rather, merely as an amusing anecdote and alternative to the usual dating grind.
With that, here goes. 1.Lie on your profile: that’s right. Lie. Put up a picture of your daughter instead of yourself, lie about your age, and give yourself a fabulous career. My friend did all of these things " the posted photo was of her 24 year old daughter " she made herself an actress instead of a social worker, and she said she was 26 instead of 48. 2.Listen, listen, listen: Lily is a fabulous listener with her men friends: must be her social work background. They flock to her on instant messenger or cell phone, spending entire days on and off with her as she listens, nods, and gives them her wise counsel. 3.Play games with your friends' list: Depending on who is the man of the moment, and who is out, Lily adjusts her friends ranking accordingly. This lends a measure of intrigue as well as the thrill of the chase into the game. 4.Break it off when they want to meet you: Ah, Lily is a pro at this. Actually, she became so after she met the first one and he went screaming off into the hills when he saw her. Now here is where I don’t understand how my friend doesn’t “get it.” Surely she realizes that she does not look like her 24 year old daughter? 5.Get with guys who go to jail: Lily is now happily involved with a young man who has gotten himself duly incarcerated " for what, she truly does not know, but never-the-less, she is most delighted with this recent development because it eliminates the “meeting” variable, at least for the time being. Well ladies, I think you will agree with me that though this story is amusing (and yes, it is true), it is probably not the way you want to go in your quest to meet men. In fact, be careful if you go with MySpace route " there are many lonely,desperate and deceitful people lurking in its virtual nooks and crannies, ready to pounce on other lonely and unsuspecting souls.
About the Author
About the author: This article is one of Dating Coach Paula Snowsill, she is an experienced adviser for women, that seek solutions to their Dating woes. Paula runs a Blog under the name of
Source: Dating Articles on
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You Need To Omit This From Your Profile
You profile should be fairly open and honest but there are something's that should be completely omitted from your profile! You need to omit this from your profile... You have been clean and sober for 7 days.
You Know Your Profile Is Good If...
If you are going to put up your profile, you want it to be the best one possible. We have a check list and we have followed it... The User Name is appropriate and tasteful. It is classy, fun, cute, and a little bit risqu! Our photo is done professional, yet has a natural flare to it.
You Can Capture His Attention
Yes, it is possible to capture his attention online. I don't care what the competition is! Let's start...hopefully we are trying to capture positive attention! Remember, you can be tasteful, fully dressed and still capture his attention.
You Can Capture Her Attention
That is why you are putting up your capture her attention. You want to make sure you set up our profile to do so. First, do not insult her with a profane "User Name". It shouldn't be nasty, profane, vulgar, crude or sexually suggestive.
You Can Capture Attention Online
And you thought you could only capture attention offline! I guess I should restate that...You Can Capture Positive Attention Online! It really takes a concerted effort. Just remember, what works on one site will work on almost all sites! You can capture attention online by first putting up an eye catching profile.