

Posted by: Jane Karwoski    Posted on: May 3, 2006

More Dating Articles

Meeting Your Soul Mate: How to Know if Someone is Your Soul Mate
Every person in this world can feel so lonesome despite the many people and things that concern one. It seems there is something lacking inside that has to be searched for out there, like the one person we can be comfortable with, like a soul mate. Thus, it will be best for you to find the ways on meeting your soul mate.

Don't humiliate Russian women!
Just so: don't humiliate! There are things that are impossible to change: this awful term "mail order brides" or the stereotype opinion that the economical situation in Russia is really bad and people live poorly and therefore women are ready to marry even a devil for the sake of a sweet life in the West.

Advices for Teen and Senior Dating
Human sexual point of reference is odd. Though sex is for proliferation, the main thrust to sexual spread comes from the enjoyment sex generates. As per Darwin's theory, sex should take situate between those who are able to transfer the best genetic characteristics to the new born. But, the human mind is odd and changeable a relationship between a teen and a senior over 50 is possible on this planet.

About The Uses Of Seduction For Today's Culture and Society
Seduction is often frowned upon as immoral. Yet it is used constantly. Not only in dating and sexual escapades but also in society for social advancement such as fame, or money. Women use makeup very carefully and are well aware of its effect on men and good make up is essential on a date (just as confidence is for a man).

10 Elementary Rules for Online Dating Success
In theory, online dating is the perfect way to meet your 'ideal partner', yet a surprisingly small number of online members are actually successful in finding romance online. There are, however, some simple guidelines, which if implemented, will certainly improve your chances of success in the online dating arena.

How To Use The Phone To Sweep Her Off Her Feet
Alexander Graham Bell didn't know what he was starting when he invented the telephone. He never could have predicted the number of problems his invention would cause in the relationships of today. Agreed, the phone may be one of the greatest inventions of all time, but men and women still don't know how to use it when it comes to dating.

French Kiss 101: Learning How to French Kiss
Kissing is one of the best ways to show affection to a loved one. It is great way to start and end the day being kissed passionately. This is also the key in maintaining an intimate relationship. This is why learning how to French kiss is something very important to people who have not experienced it yet.

Beginning a new romantic relationship can add excitement to your life; the kind of thrill you get when you put your nose in the center of a freshly cut rose, taking in the wonderful aroma. Or perhaps opening up a beautifully wrapped package from someone special and getting the "gift" you've always wanted.

Amazing sensations go through your whole body. But we must remember not to get caught up in these wonderful feelings and forget that a successful relationship takes some work.

Here are some suggestions when embarking on a new romantic journey:

* Keep it fresh - Every date, every moment shared together, and every activity you participate in with that special someone should evolve around a fresh and creative idea.

* Leave your baggage at the door - Your new romantic interest will sure to tire of constantly hearing all the details of your last disastrous relationship. Keep the conversation limited to the wonderful "future" or the "fantastic" here and now.

* Dress to impress - Yes - We know pumps and ties on dates are passé - But, sweatpants and dirty sneakers are best left for all the "comfy" married couples.

* Forgive and Forget - Forgive him or her if they forget your first month's anniversary or that you don't like artificial sweetener in your coffee. Expect little and sometimes you get more than you thought possible. Expect too much and we only set ourselves up for disappointment. Forgive their trivial shortcomings and move on. Don't forget - We are only human and therefore make mistakes.

* Some good things must come to an end - You can't expect every new relationship to end in "wedded bliss". If you truly believe there is someone out there for you, give yourself a break and move on. If the relationship turns stale, in the end it is sometimes in your best interest to head in another direction. Not all broken relationships can be mended; so don't go "crazy" trying to fix every defect in a relationship.

Truly successful romantic relationships are possible. The getting there may be a long road - but once you are there it can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have.

About the Author

Jane Karwoski is co-publisher of the e-book, "Romantic Secrets to Intimacy". To discover what a "true romantic" knows, sign up for her newsletter at

Source: Dating Articles on

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