
Tips to Build your Confidence Through Song.

Posted by: Kelsey Helm    Posted on: December 12, 2007

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I've never been big into sports, nor have I been one to go out to bars and pick up girls. So building confidence has been something difficult for me. That is when I started to go back to my musical past. I played the piano for years, and really enjoyed it. Let's face it though, you can't bring your piano to a campfire, and if you did it would turn out to be pretty awkward. I've always loved music, and wanted to learn more, that is when I made the decision to focus on the guitar. It seemed as though it would be the easiest to pick up, and the most recognizable sound that I got jump right into and learn right away.

Boy was I wrong! (Well Mostly)

One sees guitarists all over, opening their case, and playing a tune seemingly at ease. I figured, how difficult could this be I then began purchasing music books, hoping that my piano background would allow me to read the music and transfer it to the guitar. Wow was it tough. It seemed as though it would take years to become sufficiently proficient at the guitar to actually be able to impress someone, and attract the female species through song. ;) I am one who is always looking for instant gratification, and I expected to see results right away. I finally found a program that taught me exactly how I wanted to play; it did not bog down my head with this scale and that scale or chords galore. It led me step by step, while keeping it interesting. (Which is really what I needed) I am now able to listen to songs a couple of times and quickly learn the chords and the strumming pattern. It is FANTASTIC! To be able to create recognizable songs through an instrument is a feeling that I continually enjoy now. I love being able to go to a friends house, BBQ, or wedding, and be able to play something that actually sounds good. It is amazing what it has done for me as far as talking to girls as well. I now know that I am able to put my mind to something and accomplish it. I don't worry about how I look, or what I am going to say. I constantly have a taped message in my head saying "I can play the guitar, and if you heard it, it would impress you!" These words have changed me. In summary, the system I found definitely worked for me, it may not work for all, but I highly suggest in looking into becoming proficient in an instrument should one desire more self confidence.

About the Author

Kelsey Helm's Blog Kelsey is a recent Business Grad from UBC trying to make it in this crazy world.

Source: Dating Articles on

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