Top 5 Types Of Women to Avoid in Online Dating
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In response to a previous article I wrote entitled 'The 5 Types of Losers on the Internet', a few people asked me what I thought were some of the types of women to avoid online. So here, in my opinion, are the warning signs on a profile of a woman you should avoid. Keep these in mind when you're out there surfing MySpace and trying your best hand at online dating.
5. The Bedroom Model
This woman posts what looks like a professional modeling picture on her profile, yet on further examination you quickly realize it's a carefully Photoshopped picture of her in her bedroom. This woman claims she is a professional model, yet has no photos of herself anywhere outside of her profile. This woman is usually mildly attractive but gets herself overrated by about 3 points through seductive posing. Unless you want to be disappointed, don't bother with these women. Sure, her profile picture looks like Jessica Simpson, but when you meet her in person she's closer to Homer. Watch those Photoshop artists!
4. The Woman's Picture is Only of One Feature of Her Body (I.E. her breasts, buttocks, or a tattoo)
This woman is generally fat and has no saving grace other than the little sliver of her body she's determined to sell to the public. You'll never see a full body picture of these types of women either, because she can't fit her whole body in the lens unless the picture taken from an extreme angle. No, she's not doing those fisheye lens effects because she likes them; she's doing it because she's a sumo wrestler.
3. Women Who Take Photos with a "Male Best Friend"
We've all seen this one. This woman is generally very attractive, and you would hit on her if you knew whether she was single or not. Well she is single, but her "best friend" has first dibs if he can ever convince her he's not gay.
2. The Stupid Song Lyric Chick
This woman changes he username every time a new catchy song hits the airwaves. Hey, they aren't talking about you in those songs! Come on back to reality! No one wants to see your milkshake, go back to high school. We know you're really 16, and were not trying to be on the next episode of Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator"!
1. The Dangerously Emotional also known as The CRAZY
This chick is clearly out of her mind, yet cute enough to make you consider it. She has the crazy Photoshopped pictures, a dark layout, and an overly dramatic username/blog. She claims the whole world is out to get her. Yes, we are. We all are logging on everyday just to pick with you because you're that important. Yup. Me, the next guy, and your shrink are all in it together. It's all an evil plan to bring you down. I guess were caught! Might as well cry and blog about it!
The previous were just some of the women you should avoid when you're out dating online. Take these as a Cliff Notes, keep them in mind, and please take proper caution out there on the wild wild web.
About the Author
Sean Cash is the author of Social Network Seduction, the only step-by-step guide to getting more out of your online dating efforts using your favorite Social Networks. Check it out now at
Source: Dating Articles on
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