Understanding Women in Relationships
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Dating conversation tips
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Celebrating Romantic Love
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Copyright 2006 Off the Page 1. Write a love letter when you're feeling loving Its purpose is to express your depth of feeling - your unrestrained emotions. It's not like a shopping list that you can jot down just by picking up a pen. The intensity of those feelings hitchhike on the words and will be "felt" by the receiver.
Online Dating-Why Older is Better
If you're over the age of 40, you may not think the online dating scene has very much to offer you. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Actually it has more to offer someone who is older than the younger crowd. While younger people may be more tech savvy, generally they also have more opportunities to connect with people their own age.
How to Select the Best Photo For Your Online Dating Personal Ad
In the beginning of the internet all you had was text, Then graphics and photos followed. The reason online dating sites have been so popular and successful is you can easily browse photos of prospective dates. We all have a desire to go out with people we find physically attractive. There is no better way to attract someone who finds you attractive than by posting several good photos.
Online Dating Tips for Single Parents
Are you single again Getting back into the dating scene after being away from it for a while can be tough. Tougher yet if you have kids involved. There are a number of new challenges involved in dating with children. With working all day, taking the kids to one event or the other. Spending the weekends with homework, housecleaning and grocery shopping, where's the time Plus, what about the cost, babysitters, dinners out, the whole idea can be quite overwhelming.
In case you haven't noticed, women have a different perspective when it comes to relationships. It's been this way for centuries. Since the beginning of time, understanding a women's perspective regarding relationships has been a daunting task. For many men it is an unsolvable puzzle.
Men need to understand that women think differently when it comes to relationships. They are much more intuitive then men. They tend to come to understand problems and situations all at once. They take a broad perspective on things, which makes them prone to becoming overwhelmed at times. Men tend to focus on one problem at a time or a limited number of problems. They are also able to separate themselves from problems and minimize the complexities that may exist.
Women in relationships tend to be more sensitive then their male counterparts. This has a physiological basis. It has been noted that women have an enhanced physical alarm response to danger or threats. They tend to be more aware of non-verbal cues as well. That's why you can say something to your girlfriend, and three days later she asks you, "What did you mean when you said..." This is because women are hypersensitive to your words and actions.
Women in relationships tend to be more focused on where the relationship is going. This is natural for them, as it is in a women's biological make-up to want to settle down. Even if a woman says the opposite, her biological clock is always ticking. This causes her to be much more attached emotionally to her man. There are many examples in the animal kingdom where the female relies on the male for protection throughout her life. She, in turn, bears and raises the children. That doesn't mean that your girlfriend is thinking about children. It simply means she's more likely to want to be reassured that you are investing in her and only her.
This dynamic has changed in our modern world. No longer are women reliant on men for protection. The days of the stay-at-home mom have all but come to an end. Women now work full-time and pay their own bills. This results in women being much more independent in relationships. This isn't a bad thing. For instance, it is more acceptable now more than ever to "go Dutch" or even have her pay for your meal. Think about this the next time you are heading out for a dinner date!
About the Author
"Mikel Ross" is one of three young guys who recently developed an eCourse that details five basic lessons to get from chatting with girls online to actually physically meeting them. If you are interested in learning more about our "5 Lessons to Meeting Girls Online" eCourse and learning how to master this technique, please go here: http://www.prodaters.com
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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You Can Capture Attention Online
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