
What attracts a Virgo

Posted by: Mikel Ross    Posted on: March 5, 2008

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Virgo is the sign represented by the virgin in modern Astrology, but that doesn't mean they are completely prudish. The aspects of the virgin that Virgos hold tend to be more on the ideological side. Think the Modest Good Girl. If she is a Virgo then she is modest and maybe even somewhat repressed. Maybe she didn't get out much as a kid

Virgos tend to also be very practical and logical, even to the point of missing out on some of the fun in life. They love to be the person that knows all the answers to last week's episode of Jeopardy. In the workplace, Virgos are the meticulous ones that feel right at home with an Excel spreadsheet. This attention to detail is not a negative personality trait, as it is usually done for the greater good. Yes, Virgos are very giving of themselves and are "born to serve". Virgos make excellent chefs, doctors and architects.

But what attracts them What starts their engines

Virgos are attracted to the same qualities that they themselves tend to possess. Virgos like intelligence and reliability. They also hold cleanliness in very high regard. A Virgo will check their date to see if their shoes are clean or they may scrutinize the way make-up was applied. Appearances are in fact important, but it isn't so much about looks as it is about looking proper.

Virgos want a date a guy who can hold their attention with good conversation. And when it comes to sex Virgos want a date that can really let loose. It's the one place in a Virgos world where things don't have to be squared away and compartmentalized. They prefer to be a "lady in the streets but a bit kinky in the sheets" so to speak.

Sometimes Virgo women are attracted to guys that they can "fix". If you have a few less than desirable traits (you're a smoker or you didn't finish high school) you may be a perfect match for the Virgo women.

There are many ways to attract a Virgo woman. If you're the kind of guy that curses a little too much, knows how to hold a conversation and likes to clean up after himself, you may be the perfect match.

About the Author

"Mikel Ross" is one of three young guys who recently developed an eCourse that details five basic lessons to get from chatting with girls online to actually physically meeting them. If you are interested in learning more about our "5 Lessons to Meeting Girls Online" eCourse and learning how to master this technique, please go here:

Source: Dating Articles on

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