What Does Cognition Have to do with Dating
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Why on earth would something like cognition have anything to do with dating and success with women
Well, with relational dynamics there are many things that are covered that actually help to explain the meaning and truth behind male and female behaviorism and mating practices.
And once you have cognition of the root meaning or directive behind any female's behavior, you can understand your relationship to it instead of letting it overwhelm you. You'll be able to appreciate her for who she really is, instead of being intimidated and losing power.
Dictionary.com defines 'cognition' as: "the act or process of knowing; perception"
And American Heritage Dictionary defines 'cognition' as: "That which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition; knowledge"
Consequently, the antonym of cognition is 'Ignorance'; "the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc."
Now, let's apply this to male and female behaviorism and start realizing some fast breakthroughs that can lead to pure physiological change so that a man can actually be 'comfortable in his own skin' around the beautiful women that he desires.
In order to do so, we have to go deep and look at the root elements or powers of influence.
Most men today are ignorant to the true relational reality that exists.
Mating, and sex is essentially a natural function that can clearly be seen throughout the Animal Kingdom. Social standards and marriage have created a different form of influence on mating and on who a woman chooses to sleep with.
Most men will take the courtship route of dating women, showing extreme interest for one reason; it's what they have been socially conditioned to do. Ironically, that's exactly what it is; 'social'.
It's not primitive and natural yet it's influence now has been too strong so that men have lost touch with their own natural ability to make women swoon.
So many women can't stand this courtship approach of men coming after them (unless they're a gold-digger or looking for marriage) but the social influence is so strong that they can't override it..they will just choose men who aren't ignorant to their needs.
Up until now in mainstream, no one really teaches men about their hidden natural power to make women swoon while still ultimately respecting women.
It's at the point now where men start finding out about their own independence and power in relation to women because that's what women are looking for.
Instead of more social dogma which edifies women into the stratosphere, it's time for men to realize what's going on and to be able to treat women like real people instead of like goddesses.
His cognition of a woman's natural, inner and social character will allow him to look beyond any level of development in the most desirable women and bring out the part of her that wants to be seduced with respect.
If you could solve one of the remaining mysteries on earth for your own lifestyle (women), wouldn't that cognition and power be more worth it than job success even
Cognition is power and ignorance is not bliss (unless you like getting rejected and being confused about women).
-Rion Williams
About the Author
Rion Williams is one of the foremost experts in dating advice, personal power, body language and social dynamics. Learn how to be an alpha male who is comfortable in his own skin and succeeds with women and dating @ http://www.abovethegame.net Also, you can get instant access to see the 'secret of women' for yourself @ http://www.secretofwomen.com/resources.htm
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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