What Kind of Man Wears Diamonds?
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It used to be that men wore plain, gold wedding bands. Used to be are the key words here. Men have such a greater selection now and aren't stuck with wearing a traditional gold wedding band. Men's diamond wedding bands have become so popular and accepted as the new norm for many.
Don't get me wrong there are still plenty of men that opt for the traditional, and it looks great on them. But it's wonderful that men's diamond wedding bands are so fashionable today. There aren't nearly as many choices in men's wedding bands as there are in women's; but hey we'll take what we can get.
Who wears a men's diamond wedding band? I've seen such a variety of men wearing diamonds; a couple times I've been shocked at which men choose to wear diamonds. There really isn't a pattern to follow that says these guys wear diamonds and these guys don't. I've seen young, old, well-off, and regular Joe's wearing diamonds. It's really a matter of taste when it comes to choosing wedding rings.
Men's diamond wedding bands come in gold, white gold, platinum, and titanium. Each color of gold looks different depending on the wearer's skin color. Some men look better with titanium and some with white gold. You really have to try on the ring to see what it will do for your hand.
The width of the ring is also very important. The size and shape of a man's hand will determine what width he will need. If you have a more feminine hand and you want it to look more masculine, don't buy a skinny little ring; this will only emphasize the femininity. Instead you'll want to go for a little wider band which may make your fingers look less feminine.
Choosing the setting of the diamond(s) is the next task. Do you want small, simple diamonds or do you want something extravagant that everyone will notice? The most popular styles among men are the channel set and bezel set top. Within these styles there are a lot of variations. There are solid colors, two-toned rings, rows of close-set diamonds, diamonds that are set apart, and other designs that enhance the look of the ring.
When it comes to prices of men's wedding rings, they usually don't cost half as much as the women's do. (This is good because then you have more money to spend on her). You can expect to pay at least $400 for men's diamond wedding bands. From there it can go up a lot or a little. It all depends on where you buy it, what style it is, how many diamonds you have, the grade of diamond you buy, and what kind of gold you choose.
Stick to something that you really like when you pick out men's diamond wedding bands. Remember that you'll be wearing it everyday and it's important for you to be comfortable. So if you take a chance with a new style, make sure that you really do like it.
About the Author
Shayna Schnereger knows that an increasing number of men are wearing diamonds. For more helpful tips about buying men's diamond wedding rings visit her at http://online-jewelry-guide.com
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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