What Kind of Man You Should be Around Women
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To start out, it's most important to be cognitive of the truth of women and their true sexuality. This (now that it's finally clear and available) will accelerate your success just about more than anything.
She's not a sex object, she's a woman with feelings and vulnerabilities.
Other than being grounded in the 'secret to women', how should you 'behave' around women
You should just be yourself, really. BE yourself at whatever level of development you're at. There is leverage is just truly being comfortable in your own skin and your personal attributes still matter the least upfront.
Don't become someone else, and don't try to impress her to 'get some' in return. Don't act, don't fake. Women know.
Just communicate normally. This is nearly impossible for most First World men around sexy women. I've been around social alpha's and they're interested in me almost the more NORMAL (and purposely bland) that I am because they rarely if ever see this in a man.
Be yourself.
That is who you're supposed to be. Then women can trust you and you can both take it from there. If you have lower character attributes or low value, that's a separate issue and will take more work.
Notice how most male behavior changes when a sexy, empowered or beautiful woman walks into a room.
There's an actual shift in energy. She's getting it and for all men who have put her above him in power, she won't be interested in him sexually. That knocks out most of the population right there.
In order for a man to be effective in opening the path with any woman consistently and predictably, he has to be relationally independent.
He has to keep his power TRULY for himself. Then they can operate as equals and she can slip into the natural behavioral response mode to him as the stimulus.
He can't 'respond' to the (conditioned behavioral) stimulus of her (attributional) beauty like other men do. No matter how they approach, think it through logically, or communicate with her, she already knows where he's coming from.
Don't be expecting too much right up front with a woman. Just communicate with them and give them the freedom and room to start thinking about you (and why you're not like all of the other guys).
Being relationally independent no matter how powerful or beautiful she is, is an instant aphrodisiac. There's a lot of leveraged energy being wielded because it's now an initial power game.
And when you are as equal to her (or greater) in relational power, that's when things can start accelerating.
You can't fake it either. When you fully represent that you are independent in relation to her power, all doors start to open everywhere you go. Women will be eyeballing you because 'they know'...they're 'aware'.
Their intuition used to work against you but it can now work to your advantage. And when you continue to communicate that you are who you are and are not afraid of her one iota, her interest will really start rising in you.
I've had women invite me back to their place within 2 minutes of talking to them (which is a test by the way because it's still too early in most cases).
If you really want to feel like what it's like to BE a real man, then BE relationally independent to these powerful and beautiful women.
They're your equal and opposite and now you're on the same level of power as them (not socially but relationally which is what matters for sex).
This will make you feel empowered as a man. Gorgeous women will start flipping their hair around you and giving you signs.
And since you're equal at all times to their power, there are a lot of sparks to fly and fast. You'll know the rest of what to do in each circumstance because not only will she help you out and make it easy, but you'll be in touch with your natural alpha character which knows what to do.
Everything is easier when the woman is interested, so just give her the time and room to be interested and if you don't have much time, then you'd best be relationally independent at all times for maximum effect.
So how does a man reclaim his power and experience a top-class dating lifestyle with the power to seduce and respect beautiful women
By studying Alpha Relational Dynamics. It's the behavioral conditioning and awareness that leads to the most effective results of 'being' a natural with women.
Then you'll be able to truly BE yourself around women as you'll be leveraging all kinds of power you've yet to discover. After all, women are leveraging power themselves and they're looking for a man who gets it and doesn't have to speak a word.
About the Author
Rion Williams is one of the foremost experts in dating advice, personal power, body language and social dynamics. Learn how to be an alpha male who is comfortable in his own skin and succeeds with women and dating @ http://www.abovethegame.net Also, you can get instant access to see the 'secret of women' for yourself @ http://www.secretofwomen.com/resources.htm
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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