
When Should You Meet Each Other's Children

Posted by: Marcia Augustine    Posted on: July 12, 2006

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Carefully time when you meet his children, and when he meets yours. Children don't need a parade of dates and "friends" who come and go through their lives. They need to see protection, selectivity and value modeled to them. They need to see emotional stability modeled to them, both yours and any potential partners you introduce to them. Meet each other's children after emotional intimacy has grown, but before sexual intimacy takes place.

Spend some time in this loving, caring emotional place while you all get to know each other. Prioritize the emotional safety of these children over your need to have sex with your hot new flame. Enjoy the blossoming emotional intimacy you're sharing with your new man. What you share now is a one-time-only experience in your relationship. Enjoy it. Take your time, for the benefit of the kids, and for your own emotional protection.

The children will feel safer, even if they don't entirely grasp the exact nature of your and his relationship. More importantly, you'll have modeled something for them that's lacking too much in our lives. They will see by your example what true emotional intimacy looks and feels like.

About the Author

Dating Expert and speaker Marcia Augustine is the author of Emotional Wavelengths: How to Tune In Marriage to Mr. Right (available from Marcia conducts Emotional Wavelengths seminars and is currently working on her second book, Hooked! What to Do When You Can't Stay Out of His Bed and You Can't Get Him Out of Your Head.

Source: Dating Articles on

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