
Why I Would Rather Be The Lady Of The House Than A Mistress

Posted by: Francis K. Githinji    Posted on: February 3, 2008

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In every relationship, their should be mutual benefit between the involved parties but one might ask, is this the case when it comes to women dating married man who loses at the end of the day. Who fools who

Its every girl's dream to grow up, get a job, get married, have kids and model up a home to be admired by all around and about. As these girls advance in age, they go to school, watch movies, interact with friends and their perception about something might be changed for better or for worse depending on their surroundings or rather the company they keep. The perception also affects issues pertaining to relationships; relationship dating married men included in the list.

If this young woman slips a bit and gets hooked in a relationship dating married man, chances are this might be a trend hard to break off. She will be dating married men through and through unless their is a divine intervention. It will be stupid for a woman to think that the love shared between them is reason enough to give the relationship a go ahead. Think twice sister. He loved his wife, now he loves you, what makes you think he won't love the third one The emotional turmoil you are about to toast yourself in to is not worth it. It's always good to think with your mind and not your heart because many are the times our hearts fails us; not so smart sometimes it goes where it shouldn't. You are all emotional, stressed, no appetite thinking about someone who is thinking about how to better his families lives. Get out of it! and while you are at it, grasp a lesson.

Dreams come true, yeah they do, just imagine there is this friend of yours who pushed her relationship into marriage because that had been her dream. She has a husband's title to her name and a family to look up to. As hard as it might be to admit she is a step ahead. You will never be in the same level if you are hiding in a relationship dating married man in hope that you will get a shortcut to his financial stability. This men always go back to their wives and only come to you in a rainy day. This man can't forget the woman who stood with him when he was broke until they accumulated enough wealth to afford a mistress. You see, you are just but an afterthought. His money is for his family, he rarely strays from his budget and you guessed it right, it's not a wonder you are the last in the list.

Your married partner has nothing to lose when the relationship hits a dead end. After all it was only for leisure and he can easily hook up with less a demanding mistress. I sympathize with you because it might take you a while before you get your type of guy which means if you still insist on security and stability chances are you will settle for a relationship dating a married man once again.

In a relationship, its all about giving and taking. Don't allow to be fooled, think rationally. Does it suit you to be in a relationship dating married man The judgement is yours.

About the Author

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project RELATIONSHIP DATING MARRIED MAN Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At RELATIONSHIP DATING MARRIED MAN

Source: Dating Articles on

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