You Can Capture Attention Online
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The Ideal Online Dating Profile
A lot of people would love to eventually find their other half. Fortunately for some, it is very elusive. It's as hard as trying to prove the existence of Bigfoot. The only thing that most people looking for love finds is depression. However, thanks to the internet, it has sort of leveled the playing fields.
The Detailed Profile for Online Daters
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The Modern Dating Game
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How To Write Headlines that Get Your Dating Profile Noticed.
Copyright 2006 Jayne Parke In order for you to get other online daters to stop and read your profile you need to create an attention grabbing opening line, often referred to as a tagline or headline. Do not underestimate the importance of having a headline. Besides your photo, it is one of the main factors in determining whether another dater will give your profile a second look.
And you thought you could only capture attention offline! I guess I should restate that...You Can Capture Positive Attention Online!
It really takes a concerted effort. Just remember, what works on one site will work on almost all sites!
You can capture attention online by first putting up an eye catching profile. I'm not talking about neon lights flashing, scrolling marquee name, etc. I'm talking about capturing serious, mature attention.
It starts with your profile. That is your online "presence". Just like you wouldn't go on a blind date in a raggedy, stained, old chenille bathrobe. At least I hope not...! You want to put your best foot forward because you know you have a lot of competition. But you can compete!
Make sure your profile is a true representation of you. If you aren't really sure Once you are finished setting it up, ask at least 3 family and/or friends to check it out and give you their opinion. Take their feedback into serious consideration. This profile is your introduction to online singles.
Your photo should be of a good quality, but make sure it is still "You". Ladies, if you do not normally wear makeup, please do not post a photo that makes you look like a top model. However, if you never wear makeup now is the time to wear some. Make sure it is natural looking. It should highlight your good features in a natural way. If you are unsure how to apply your makeup in a tasteful way any department store cosmetics counter will be able to help you out.
Guys: Please trim your facial hair, including the moustache that is curling into your mouth, the nose and ear hairs.
Your profile photo is not the place for more than one facial piercing. If you want to wear all 8 of them Please put those photos into the dating site "photo album".
You can capture attention online by being the best you can be, by making the most of what you have. It has very little, if any to do with "show stopping" beauty!
You need to get started capturing all of the attention that is about to come your way!
About the Author
Vivian has been involved with online dating since it's inception! This is here main dating forum, since there is no other place in the world where you can have access to millions of eligible singles!
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Source: Dating Articles on
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You Can Capture His Attention
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You Can Capture Attention Online
And you thought you could only capture attention offline! I guess I should restate that...You Can Capture Positive Attention Online! It really takes a concerted effort. Just remember, what works on one site will work on almost all sites! You can capture attention online by first putting up an eye catching profile.