
Articles posted on July 29, 2004

Keep Preschoolers Cool about School

by Jane Lake     Education Articles
Keep Preschoolers Cool about SchoolThe first day of school is a momentous occasion for parent and child. Excitement, tinged with uncertainty, fills the weeks before September. Anxious mothers coax awkward five-year-old fingers to tie shoelaces (or give up and buy sneakers with Velcro), while proud fathers urge their children to write their own names or recite the alphabet.
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Stress-Free Scrapbook Journaling Ideas

by Elaine Clay     Hobbies Articles
Do you find it intimidating when you come to journal your scrapbook pages You are not alone! Many scrapbookers find it hard to get started when it comes to adding journaling to their scrapbooking layouts.
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8 Essential SEO techniques

by Matt Colyer     Search Engines Articles
1) Title Tag - The title tag is the most powerful on-site SEO technique you can use, so use it creatively! What you place in the title tag should be short and use the exact keyword you use for the web page that you are trying to optimize.
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BREAK-UPS (My Story)

by Wayne Lowe     Advice Articles
Your life changes when you meet them, but when it goes wrong it goes wrong. I've just been dumped after 5 intense months of love and sometimes passion. He said we needed a break, fat chance of that happening.
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Marketing the Government for Profit

by Melanie Corbett     Marketing Articles
Marketing the Government for Profit Steps and tips on marketing your business to the government.Fact: Federal, state and local governments buy over $450 billion combined in goods and services each year.
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Big Wave Mindfulness: Surfing For A Connection

by Maya Talisman Frost     Motivational Articles
Surfing is mindfulness in action. Riding the biggest waves is an all-out, fully-present-or-die-trying proposition. Thanks to a persistent case of aquaphobia, I've never tried surfing. However, I've done my share of snowboarding, and I am trying to imagine what it would be like to carve the slopes with several tons of avalanche chasing me down the mountain.
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Can a 50+ Man Find Temporary Happiness with a Much Younger Woman

by Malcolm Goodway     Social Issues Articles
Editors: This interview can be reprinted in your online and offline publications, if the Author's Bio section is included. Please send an e-mail about the publication to =============================The following fictional dialog takes place between Malcolm Goodway, author of A Temporary New Wife, and a committed Skeptic:S: Malcolm, you say that it's perfectly possible for a man even … let's say in his fifties, sixties or seventies … to establish a relationship with a considerably younger woman which is satisfying and rewarding to both of them.
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Targeted Traffic is More Important than Ever!

by John Alexander     Search Engines Articles
In the early days of web development, business owners had learned the very expensive lesson that a Web site with no visitors is of little value. Once the business owner learned that methods could be utilized to increase their visibility through search engine optimization, it then became apparent that the traffic that really benefited them, was "targeted traffic.
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The Wonders of Wordtracker:. . . It's More than a Hunt for Keywords

by John Alexander     Search Engines Articles
For me personally, is not just a tool for looking up keywords. Sure, that's one good use for it, but what I want to distinguish is another influential and exciting use for Wordtracker as an SEO resource.
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Currencies, Taxes and Citizenship

by William Cate     Money Articles
Currencies, Taxes and Citizenship By William Cate July 2004 [] [
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