
Articles posted on September 23, 2004

Sweet Poison

by Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.     Health Articles
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Your boss is hostile...what do you do

by Caroline Jalango     Self Improvement Articles
Are you working at a job where the boss has no interpersonal skills; micro-manages you and treats you like a child Do you work for a fault finding boss who yells and screams and talks to you in an arrogant and demeaning manner Are you are tired of walking on eggshells at work because any small thing could set off an "explosion" Is your boss hostile If you work for a hostile boss and nothing has been done to resolve the situation, you probably have found out that on many occasions, you have sleepless nights, you are depressed, your blood pressure has risen, you have constant migraines, you are losing or gaining weight, your friends think you whine too much, because all you talk about is your job and your boss, your self esteem is beginning to erode and you are just so frustrated.
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How to successfully cope with a job loss

by Caroline Jalango     Self Improvement Articles
How prepared are you for an unexpected turn of events What if the foundation upon which your income was based was suddenly shaken How would you cope if you lost your Job today In these tough economic times, the unemployment rate is high and job scarcity is a common problem.
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Moving 10 Ways to Create a Joyful, Less-Stressed Experience

by Carolyn Beale ()     Self Improvement Articles
Increase your joy and lessen the stress of your upcoming move using these tips:1. Release, release, release. Give away, sell, or donate to a worthwhile cause any item you no longer want or need.
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Consciously Flowing Appreciation: Developing Your "Gratitude Muscle!"

by Carolyn Beale ()     Motivational Articles
We've all had days when, for whatever reason, we seem to find ourselves living unconsciously, guided by outworn beliefs and feeling stuck in lower-energy vibrations. When these times occur, you can help yourself to shift into higher alignment by remembering the power of appreciation.
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Getting Lucky with Systematic Marketing

by Charlie Cook     Marketing Articles
In early-August, I got a call from Barbara at the Association of Management Consultants wanting to know whether I was interested in running a marketing workshop for their members. I asked how she had gotten my name; Barbara told me Jeff had referred me.
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Children with Reading Disorders

by David Fitzgerald     Health Articles
This learning disability is quite widespread. This disorder is known as dyslexia, and it is believe to affect as many as 8 percent the elementary school children. Reading is one of the Big R's, an ability that is important for success in our daily lives.
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How to Track Online Marketing ROI Using Cost-per-Action

by Rick Crosby     Online Promotion Articles
How to Track Online Marketing ROI Using Cost-per-ActionForget clicks, page views, and impressions; the only way to effectively track your online marketing ROI is through Cost-per-Action (CPA) analysis.
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When Parents Disagree

by Patty Hone     Family Articles
Moms and dads, are there times you think that parenting would be easier if you didn't have to make family decisions Having a partner that is not in agreement with your parenting ideas or discipline approaches is more than just frustrating.
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I Can't Weight (One Man's Diet)

by Gary E. Anderson     Family Articles
I Can't Weight--One Man's Diet (From the book Spider's Big Catch) Gary E. Anderson www.abciowa.comLike many people, I've decided I need to take off a little weight from the holidays--the holidays of six years ago.
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