
Articles posted on May 26, 2006

Living In Harmony: Dealing With Dreadful Neighbors

by Sheila Webster-Heard     Social Issues Articles
Having bad neighbors is unavoidable. This, regrettably, is universal and it stretches across all racial ethnicities. From the nicest suburbs to the shabbiest areas of the city, the chance that you will have an annoying person living in close proximity to you is very high.
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On Microsoft

by Geoff Gannon     Computers Articles
Microsoft is a difficult situation for me to evaluate. I think the company still has a lot of growth ahead in some areas. But, that depends on where management wants to take it. There are three core businesses that are already well developed: Windows, Office, and Servers.
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Stalker Case Study 4: Suicide Can Be Profitable

by Anthony Hetherington     Site Security Articles
This case study features a stalker that would pretend to commit suicide. One can only imagine what perverted pleasure he got from this act, nor how often his plan succeeded but his act was extremely well rehearsed and he used it as a softener to extort money.
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How Do You Parallel Park

by Margaret Adams     Automotive Articles
Most drivers would attest that parallel parking is possibly one of the hardest parts that they would have to learn in driving. Even experienced drivers would even share that this kind of move actually still brings some sweat out.
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by Timothy James     Outdoors Articles
Great things come in great packages, so to speak. In particular, golf resorts provide more than a golf player would ask. Generally, it caters to different kinds of people and not just golf enthusiasts.
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Indian Pow Wow Drums for Drumming or Decor

by Craig Chambers, Mission Del Rey     Entertainment Articles
Cedar pow wow drums from the Mission Del Rey are made by the Tarahumara Indians at Mission De Rey at 8,000 ft elevation in the Sierra Madre, then transported to El Paso, TX for shipping. Established 9 years ago, the Mission Del Rey is a non profit organization serving the Tarahumara people, preserving their culture through traditional skills.
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Come and get it...Your Federal Tax Credits

by S. Davenport     Environment Articles
Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow. - Thornton Wilder The lack of money is the root of all evil. - Mark Twain Did you know that Congress passed a bill in 2005 that can provide you a tax credit (that's a dollar for dollar reduction in your tax bill to Uncle Sam!) for items that you may need to purchase for your house or even a new car That's right Congress passed the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
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Get Creative with Scrapbooking

by Jane Karwoski     Hobbies Articles
Gone are the days when pasting photos, postcards and memorabilia in a plain paper scrapbook album are the only options for showcasing your memories. Now, more than ever, scrapbooking is one of the most popular pastimes for a great many people.
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How To Recruit The Right Person For The Job

by Anna Johnson     Business Articles
Recruiting the right person for the right role is all about finding the best possible match between an individual and the job. Let me use an example to explain how I recommend you recruit someone, starting with preparing the job description.
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How Did You Divorce

by J Schipper     Family Articles
Laws making divorce easier, which came into vogue in the late 1960s, have made the experience less harrowing for many couples. The social stigma once attached to divorce has almost disappeared. However, the statistic that almost 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce seems to be an urban myth.
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