
Articles posted on June 19, 2006

Five Things Anyone Can Do To Stay Healthy

by Freelance Writer     Fitness Articles
While there are many lifestyle choices a person can make to stay healthy, most experts agree that there are five main behaviors we can initiate in order to increase our chances of staying in optimum physical health.
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Batteryless Flashlights, Or Sometimes Known As Forever Flashlights

by Tyson J Stevenson     Computers Articles
As the name suggests a Batteryless Flashlight works without any requirement of batteries. One can also call it as the forever flashlight. These types of flashlights need to be shaken back and forth for few seconds and they will give light for many minutes, sometimes even hours.
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Intestinal Cleansing

by Azizah A R     Health Articles
Given the perfect design of the human body, you would think that natural elimination should always work without any problem. This is something that we take for granted when everything works well. The truth is there are many individuals, who though they may seem to look otherwise healthy, are actually suffering from ineffective bowel movements.
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Get Rid Of That Dangerous Belly Fat!

by Martin Stoleman     Fitness Articles
It is a proven fact that belly fat is the most dangerous kind of fat on the human body. We have all seen people who are overweight in just their stomach region and appear fit in every other place. It is a strange thing, isn't it It seems like we are all overweight somewhere or another, and while we all need to keep track of our weight and be proactive about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, those who carry extra belly fat need to be aware even more.
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How to Contact Any Celebrity - And Get A Great Response!

by Jordan McAuley     Hobbies Articles
* Always include a self-addressed stamped envelope. When writing celebrities, be sure to always enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). To do this, simply fold an 8 x 10 manila envelope, pre-addressed back to you with the proper postage (usually 2-3 stamps).
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Simple Tips For Hair Restoration

by Martin Stoleman     Women's Issues Articles
One of the biggest annoyances in life is hair loss. As a physician, I encounter people every day that are experiencing different levels of hair loss. Some have just started to notice that their hair is thinning while others barely have any hair left at all.
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Exploring The Florida Paradise Known As Key Largo

by George Johnson     Travel Articles
Key Largo is an island in the Florida Keys archipelago and one of the largest of its islands. Key Largo is a popular tourist destination and calls itself the "Diving Capital of the World". Tourists enjoy Key Largo's scuba diving and sports-fishing.
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How to Get Celebrity Endorsements & Testimonials for Your Books

by Jordan McAuley     Publishing Articles
Getting a celebrity, notable VIP, or leader in your field to give your book a short testimonial or endorsement (sometimes called a "blurb") is a great way to boost sales and garner extra publicity. Remember that this is a trade-off.
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From Alcohol Dependence To Natural Recovery

by Freelance Writer     Self Improvement Articles
Alcohol dependence is a wide spread problem that affects tens of millions of people throughout the globe. There are many more additional people touched in some indirect way with the associated problems of alcoholism or dependency.
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How to Attend Television Show Tapings

by Jordan McAuley     Hobbies Articles
Celebrities are the most accessible, oddly enough, when they're at work. If you're a Jon Stewart fan and you show up at his favorite deli while he's eating, chances are you're probably going to disturb him.
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