
Articles posted on July 15, 2006

The New Bankruptcy Law (Part 2)

by Tim S     Publishing Articles
The new bankruptcy law has added many new requirements for you and your attorney. These requirements are going to make filing more expensive and time consuming. This has resulted in a fee increase across the board.
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Online Training- The New Personal Trainer

by Lena Davis     Fitness Articles
What exactly is online fitness training Online fitness training is the process by which a client can receive personalized fitness instruction and advice via the web. Clients can essentially train anywhere; home, office, or school and at any time.
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Harness the Power of Educating the Consumer

by Larry Harnar     Marketing Articles
The key difference between a visitor that converts into a sale and a visitor that hits the back button is the visitor's insight into the information that they are being presented. Think about it. If they are presented with the information they need about a product or service and the information is clear and to the point, they will be ready to buy.
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The ABCs of Buying the Perfect Gifts

by Chris Robertson     Other Articles
It's always a challenge to find the perfect gift for that friends, family members, and co-workers, but by following these ABCs, you won't go wrong! Automotive - Most men love cars - especially fast cars.
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The Hidden Health Hazards of Grilling And Barbecuing

by Frank Mangano     Fitness Articles
Copyright 2006 Frank Mangano Many people enjoy a tender grilled chicken breast, sirloin steak, or filet of fish, and nothing says summer quite like a good old fashioned barbecue. But if you aren't careful, a summer of enjoying barbecued cuisine can prove deadly to your health.
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Green Cars Go Festive!

by Carol Mitchel     Automotive Articles
This coming 29th of July, everyone can be part of the Green Car and Transportation Festival. Starting at twelve o'clock noon up until five in the afternoon, people can roam about the event's area and learn more about being green and environment friendly.
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The ABCs of Personal Electronics

by Chris Robertson     Technology Articles
Wallis Simpson once infamously said, "You can never be too rich or too thin." Today, she might say, "You can never have too many personal electronics." With a tremendous variety of electronics from which to choose, and ever lower prices, personal electronics make life more enjoyable, more convenient, and definitely more fun.
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Providing Useful Content to Your Visitors

by Larry Harnar     Internet Articles
Useful content is the key to success on the internet. Spammy pages and directory type listings are on their way out. As the search engine algorhthyms become more powerful and adept at detecting these websites, these content generation methods will quickly lose their effectiveness.
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Turn Apprehensive Visitors into Informed Buyers

by Larry Harnar     Webmasters Articles
Almost anyone with some web marketing experience would agree that the hardest part of web or online marketing is converting a visitor into a customer. People love to come and look at your content and browse all of the great information that you have worked so hard to put together.
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Wii to dominate game market

by Insyder     Technology Articles
Rumors have been spreading around various Wii Forums on the web, speculating as to how Nintendo's new system will fare on the market.
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