
Articles posted on September 7, 2006

Video Games: They Way We Where

by Taisha Grant     Internet Articles
Video games have been around for more years than most people know. Most people today can remember the Pac-Man, Pac-Woman era. In reality video games have been in our daily lives for far longer than that.
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Negs, AMOGing, IOIs, ATCs: The Wonderful World of Mystery

by James Brito     Dating Articles
One of the most common feelings we men often experience as we learn how to attract women is the frustrating Why didn't I learn this stuff sooner It's annoying to think that if you had only known the approach and seduction strategies that work a little bit earlier in your life, you may not have gone through years of heartache and frustration.
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The Art of the Flirt: Seven Great Flirting Techniques

by James Brito     Dating Articles
What are some great ways to flirt Here are my "Lucky Seven" great ways of flirting with women: The confident eye gaze The "Dale Head Drop" Smile! Open body language Lean in to her Thumbs in belt Touch her Let's look at each in more detail: 1.
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Anti Aging ~ Choosing The Right Product

by Steve Whitehead     Health Articles
Copyright 2006 Sezeur Skincare There are a great many vitamins, minerals, etc to consider when choosing a skin care product - especially when your aim is to reduce the signs of aging on your skin. From year to year the advice changes, one year it's all about chemical peels and the next it's all about microderm abrasion, and when it comes to creams it can seem a little overwhelming.
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Excess Of Everything Is Bad... But Is It True In Case Of Vitamin C In Kidney Sto...

by Vik S     Health Articles
The famous saying of English says that excess of everything is bad. How much is this statement true Is it true in every case The answer to this question is no as every component has some effects and these effects may be negative or positive.
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Choosing the Right Guitar

by Desiree Harris     Music Articles
When you decide to learn to play guitar, choosing the right guitar is a very important choice you have to make. There are quite a few different types of guitars out there, and they all have distinct sounds to them.
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Seduction Secrets: Top 10 Ways On How to Seduce Women

by James Brito     Dating Articles
It's one thing to know how to attract a woman. Any guy can get dressed up, style his hair nicely, and look good at a bar. But how do you take the next step--SEDUCING a woman Camille Paglia said that "Pursuit and seduction are the essence of sexuality.
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Creative Baby: Can We Teach Creativity

by Eliane Leao. PhD     Family Articles
Yes!!!!!!! To the Creative baby, Creativity can be taught, and creativity can be tested. It can be viewed as a product, but it is also a process... An intellectual process! And the most important information about creativity we have when the subject of creation is baby is that the child creates his/her knowledge about the world inside himself/herself.
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Smoking is Great!, ...Until You Want to Quit

by Mandy S. Morris     Health Articles
How many times have you tried to quit smoking If you are like most smokers, the answer is probably many! Even though we are all aware of the dangerous and life threatening diseases caused by smoking such as; lung cancer, buerger's disease (a serious circulatory disease), influenza and so many others, we just have to have one more cigarette, which becomes another and another.
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Teaching Babies to Appreciate Music!

by Eliane Leao, PhD     Music Articles
GO WITH GAMES! To have the most rewards from playing with Music and the baby, follow these simple ideas: * Young children tune in to the sounds of music; * Their body movements also manifest happiness through music spontaneity; * The baby may acquire musical concepts by playing with sounds, singing, moving, and listening; * Experiencing music is a chance a baby has at pre-verbal learning; * The baby should be encouraged to use his body as a musical instrument for physical experience; * The child learns music by personal experience and discovery.
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