
Articles posted on November 2, 2006

What Is Day Trading

by Bill Dufrane     Money Articles
This guide is aimed at beginners in the financial trading industry. Day trading is the buying and selling of a security within the single or the same day. Day trading can occur in any market place in the world but most common in the stock market and FOREX.
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Water Filtration Process

by gelfey     Health Articles
These days water purity is becoming concern for every household and business. Everyone wants to drink clean and pure water so that they stay away from all the water born diseases. This ahs led to the emergence of various water filtration processes which not only cleans the water but also removes the bad odor from it.
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How to Develop Your Talents and Abilities

by Rodger Constandse     Self Improvement Articles
We are all good at something. Some can write, others can sing, some can manage, and others can sell. When you understand what you are interested in and what you are good at, you can make fulfilling career choices and discover your major definite purpose.
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What is Tai Chi "Not Merely A Martial Art"

by Laddie SAcharko     Health Articles
What is Tai Chi (and qigong,for that matter)...and how is it spelled and pronounced Over many, many years of practice and study, I've heard it described in many ways. T'ai Chi, taiji, chi kung, qi gong, qi gong, etc.
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Most Common Anxiety Disorders

by Keith Bronson     Health Articles
Anxiety and fear are natural reactions to threatening situations. Your body has a "fight or flight" reaction--your heart races, you breathe faster, you sweat, and your stomach and head may ache. That's all normal if you're really in danger.
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Fidgeting Could Help People Lose Weight

by John Buchanan     Fitness Articles
While many people exert great effort to maintain a strict diet as well, a recent study indicates that continuous movement throughout the day may be a more effective means of losing weight. The study suggests that fidgeting may be a big factor in determining whether you are fat or thin.
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Great Aunt Ida Loved Cheesecake

by Mark Woeppel     Family Articles
I was a little kid when I was introduced to a short woman and told she was my Great Aunt Ida. I was about five, she looked like she had to be at least a hundred, and she wasn't much taller than I. But she was very round.
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Facts To Consider When Buying Shampoos For Hair Loss Problem

by Javier Fuller     Health Articles
Everything about human beings is special, including their hair. As for the shampoos, what may be an excellent product for a particular individual, may not give the same result to another individual. At times, the said shampoo causes harm to the hair.
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Benefits of Hybrid Cars

by john     Automotive Articles
The new hybrid cars are an excellent choice for anyone looking to save money at the gas pump and help the environment. Many car manufacturers are making hybrid cars because they are small and fuel-efficient.
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A guide to debt management

by Reethi Rai     Money Articles
When in deep debts, any wishful thinking that debts will disappear over time might prove to be more disastrous. People who emerge from debt are not just lucky; it is their determination to find a way out that has helped them become debt free.
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