
Articles posted on March 11, 2007

Money and the Sex of your Baby

by Panikkarson     Family Articles
Money - and Choosing the Sex of your Baby In the recent past we have seen several media reports about people going in for high tech medical procedures to select the gender of the baby they are going to have.
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Wine Storage: Cooling Is The Key

by michael brown     Food and Drinks Articles
Storing wine with cooling units is easy. This is also something you should do to preserve your wine collection. Many times people do not realize the importance of proper wine storage and how it is done.
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The Internet Age as Applied to Advertising and Marketing

by Peter Woodhead     Business Articles
This is the final article in a series of ten about the history of modern advertising and marketing. We continue with those marketers that have helped to make the Internet what it is today. Ken McCarthy Since its inception in 1993, Ken has been a true pioneer of the World Wide Web.
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by John Eberhard     Computers Articles
Online marketing as an overall subject contains a number of techniques that unfortunately can take some time to bear fruit, as in leads and sales from your web site. For example, if you optimize your site for search engines, then build up links to your site, it will get results.
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Savings - Best Practices

by Panikkarson     Money Articles
Savings - Best Practices All of us need to save. For emergencies like accidents, illness, layoffs. To support our kid's college education. To make that down-payment for a car or house. And, more importantly, for retirement.
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How To Take Care Of Your Vinyl Flooring

by Scott Soloff     Home Accessories Articles
Nearly every home has vinyl flooring, also known as linoleum flooring, since it's a useful material that can be installed using tiles or rolls of the product. You'll find this material most often in your kitchen or bathroom, where it helps to have an easy to clean, inexpensive flooring material and where traditional wood floors are most prone to staining or damage.
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Alpine Life Lessons

by Grace Durfee     Self Improvement Articles
I think I've finally turned the corner with downhill skiing! In the past few years have improved both my technique and my confidence with an upgrade to new boots and shape skis along with some instruction.
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Wii Nintendo Games

by Scott Soloff     Entertainment Articles
A new games console, especially one with such an original controller, is always going to herald some new, great games. The old classics are revamped with some interesting new features while original games are released bringing brand new ways to play and have fun.
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ANOTHER D.C. whore!

by Tom Fowler     Politics Articles
The recent threat by alleged D.C. Madam Deborah Jean Palfrey, former head of Pamela Martin Associates to sell her extensive, 46 pound list of cell phone records relating to her "adult fantasy escort agency" has D.
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Writing Articles..., Will The Buzz Stop

by Felton Thompkins     Online Promotion Articles
Let me start off by saying that if you are not writing articles, you are missing out on a ton of exposure for your websites and/or affiliate programs. Now, with that being said, let's get to addressing the question Writing Articles.
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