
Articles posted on March 28, 2007

Tinnitus and the Law of Attraction

by Paul Tobey     Health Articles
Just like the law of gravity the law of attraction is a natural law of the universe. Everyone is subject to its law whether they realize it or not. The basic premise of this law is; like attracts like, or what goes around comes around or what you put out you get back.
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Spring Break Bahamas will enable you to spend the holiday as you like

by Suzane Gray     Travel Articles
Are you really tired of running from home to office and then back home It seems to have become a vicious circle of one's life. A break from such a monotonous life will surely give you some time to relax and enjoy beautiful views.
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Senior Dating: Tips for the Men

by Ismael D. Tabije     Dating Articles
Despite the many advice and the long years of having relationships with women, many single senior males often louse up on dates. The reason--most of them try to impress their senior dates... the wrong way.
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Ashwagandha - Herbal Way to Reduce Stress

by Dr John Anne     Health Articles
Ayurveda has a glorious world decorated by herbs and natural remedies. It has a divine origin and was created to treat people with all there despair they were suffering from. Ashwagandha is one of these herbs that is gifted to man by God.
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Stop Working And Start Earning

by Peter Lawless     Other Articles
I want you to close your eyes and ask yourself, what you would really love to do with the rest of your life, if you didn't have to work ever again. Just think, today, you will complete the sale of your business, which means that neither you nor your family will ever HAVE to work again.
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Warning! Your Attitude Is Reflected In The Mirror Of Life

by Kevin John     Self Improvement Articles
Maybe this has happened to you: Take two identical days, just ordinary routine days, nothing special happening... On one of the days, you wake up in morning feeling great - it's a beautiful sunny day, you can hear your favourite sounds, you've got a great mental attitude, positive that everything is going to be easy:-) Your journey to work is easy, you fly through your work and to cap it all, you have a fantastic evening at home.
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How to give great Easter gifts

by Anne Harvestor     Family Articles
Perhaps you are facing a dilemma: you need to give a special family member, friend or work associate a lovely gift, but you are not sure what gift. You go online and there are so many choices that it is hard to know where to begin searching.
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Campervan Family Holiday - 5 Recommended Western Cape Camp Sites

by Nicolet     Travel Articles
One of the best ways to see South Africa is in a motorhome or campervan. These can be hired from rental companies which specialize in motorhome hire. When you have a campervan you have the freedom to travel wherever you like without needing to worry about booking accommodation at costly hotels en route, or being restricted to the dates of your bookings.
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Large And Small Baby Blankets: Which Is The Better Gift

by Darryl Walters     Family Articles
Not exactly the most pressing question of our day, but it is one that I get all too often to ignore. I would estimate that 50% of our customers are buying our baby blankets for their own children with the other 50% buying as gifts.
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Popularity of Mobile Phones: A Bloodless Conquest

by Andrena markley     Communication Articles
Since the earliest of times, humans have been known to resort to some pleasant activity or the other to soothe their minds and be relieved from the mundane rigours of life. It is interesting to observe here that we humans were well endowed with adaptable minds, which were fairly able to showcase dexterity in tuning up with the changing times.
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