
Articles posted on June 20, 2007

Fast Weight Loss Diet Plans and Highly Effective Diet Pill

by George Alarcon     Weight Loss Articles
Today consumers are overwhelmed and so flooded with countless options for losing weight than ever before. On top of that, unfortunately, most diet plans and pills will do very little or nothing for you except leave you a few hundred dollars poorer.
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Learning for Success, Teams that Work

by Helen Lim-Yang     Management Articles
One of today's organizational challenges is to deal with the complexities of creating and sustaining high-performance teams. But what makes a good team, and what does being an effective team player entail Helen Lim-Yang, CEO of OTi Consulting Singapore, reveals the "secrets" of creating successful teams and shaping quality team players.
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Chocolate Fundraising is a Sweet Deal

by Lynn Ross     Business Articles
Chocolate fundraising has been successful for a number of years. Chocolate fundraising has been responsible for many athletes wearing new uniforms because of the success of chocolate fundraising. There may even be some scientists who have been successful because of their brilliance, but were also lucky enough to study in a school that strived to provide top notch science facilities.
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Clearing Brush along Ponds Edges is Important for Pond Maintenance

by Lynn Ross     Gardening Articles
Clearing Brush along Ponds Edges is Important for Pond Maintenance A homes landscape can be enhanced by building greatly by installing a pond. A pond is always attractive and some are even considered elegant.
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Get Rid of Your Gut

by Heidi Johnson     Weight Loss Articles
Let's face it, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Americans are overweight and no one really knows what to do about it. There are certainly many theories about what people think you should do.
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Giveaway Concepts That Spell Success

by Bradlley Mckoy     Business Articles
It's better to give than to receive. Who thought of that If I'd be getting cool, cool gifts for each special occasion that occurs, I would be glad to be on the receiving end. Yet if you're to provide, make sure that the receiver would be happy with the gift.
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11 Steps to Search Engine Optimization Success

by Lambert Klein     Computers Articles
Search Engine Optimization can award you with higher rankings, better visibility, more visitors and wealth. You can accomplish this if you are dedicated and are willing to put some effort into learning SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION.
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5 Steps In Any Successful Ad Copy -- Step 5

by Duffy Rogan     Marketing Articles
Well this is the 5th and final step you should include in any ad copy you use on your web site. THE 5th STEP This is the final step and one of the most powerful steps. It's time to instill FEAR.
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Discover Alcoholism in Marriage and Learn to Live With an Alcoholic You Love

by Jim WH     Family Articles
Alcoholism in marriage is a great recipe for disaster. There are only a very few things that can tear a marriage apart like alcoholism. And if your spouse has developed a drinking habit only after you got married then the problem can have significant implications in your married life.
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Creating Turtle Ponds can be Enchanting

by Lynn Ross     Gardening Articles
Turtle ponds can be delightful spaces that can enchant the whole family and the entire neighborhood. Water features are an welcome addition to any backyard; and will likely be attractive to many people.
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